Chapter 45 Part 4: Heart of Metal

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[Eliah Montmartre's Tent, Dread Wolves Tribe Village: 8:30 PM, 25th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Amnon remained in a deep sleep, lying on a sleeping mat. The pillows were holding his tired cranium with short golden blonde locks. Just beside him, his fellow physician wife was carrying a baby in a blanket. Emie looked at her mother as Glenda sighed and lowly spoke to her.

" I know, Emie, " she said." Your father was out there at work in the hospital and then going out as the Blue Knight. He needs plenty of rest before he sets to work again. "

Emie cooed and smiled warmly at her mother in response. Glenda smiled back and looked at her husband who was still sleeping. She turned to her daughter and said, " Okay, it looks like we can surprise him by lying beside him. "

The blonde pediatrician and mother held the little girl on her arms. She carefully sat down on the mat and placed Emie in between her parents. Glenda grabbed another pillow for herself and her daughter. She placed Emie on the fluffy pillow lying down and touched her husband's smooth face and her baby as well.

Ivo continued to repair the Blue Knight armor for his brother while trying to find ways to improve it further. He then sighed thinking about what happened today.

" So much for a peaceful Candlemas, " he sadly thought and sighed while working.

Glenda looked at Ivo from a distance and carried her child

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Glenda looked at Ivo from a distance and carried her child. Then, she approached and asked him, " How is it? "

" The armor or about what happened today? " Ivo asked.

" I heard of what happened through Wilma and Winona over the phone, " she sighed heavily and anxiously spoke." I never expected that to happen. Then, you guys came home and told me Amnon has been recuperating from fatigue and some wounds. I thought he would never experience the same things he had in his trips across Iliad with his group. He promised not to fight madmen anymore, but I guess he broke it. It's just I'm worried that his PTSD might resurface. I was very worried for him for almost a year. "

" I'm very worried for him too, Glenda and for all of Foranea, " Ivo said with concern.

" With all those things happening, who could save us now? "

" The Blue Knight and his allies, " Ivo said trying to reassure his sister-in-law.

" I know he won't be alone on this, " she sighed in relief and smiled while carrying her baby and looking at her spouse slumbering.

" We'll need more allies to defeat Kasius and his followers. The Blue Knight's armor will also need to get a few improvements."

" I remembered Amnon mentioning of his favorite childhood superhero book when we were back in Odyssea Academy, " she said. " You might take an inspiration from it. "

" Great Might. I read that book with him when we were younger. It's one of those great memories I had," Ivo recalled and smiled at his sister-in-law.

" I brought that book just in case, " Glenda nodded. " When Emie grows up, she will like to read those books from her father. For now, you can make a prototype based from that heroic angel's armor design. "

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