Chapter 18

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[Monoceros Keep General Hospital: 3:20 PM, 28th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

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[Monoceros Keep General Hospital: 3:20 PM, 28th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

Doctor Montmartre had finished his last in-patient duty after talking to a patient with Lupus. Just then, an elderly nurse approached and reminded him of the irrate Akrovian patient at the ward. She remained at the nurses' station and intently looked at him with concern when he noticed her.

" Attention, docteur, il a rejeté et insulté certains médecins traitants et même son cardiologue, (Be careful, docteur, he has been rejecting and cussing some attending physicians and even his cardiologist,) " she said." Même son fils, Boris, monsieur Hilden le harcèle et le rejette. Mes collègues infirmières ont peur de lui. (Even his son, Boris, monsieur Hilden is nagging and rejecting him. My fellow nurses are afraid of him. )"

" Right, (Droit,) " Amnon nodded and picked up the clipboard, reading Hilden's medical records.

Then, the doctor walked over, knocked on the door, and curiously tilted his head. He waited for the patient to respond. The cardiologist Doctor Albert Severin who was in late fifties with greying hair heavily sighed and looked at Amnon to his disappointment, leaving the room. He was wearing a white coat, lime-green shirt and veridian tie and a pair of navy blue pants.

" Montmartre, s'il vous plait, prenez le relais pour l'instant...(Montmartre, please take over for now...) " Severin handed Amnon some latest medical records at his clipboard and rolled his eyes in disgust at the irrate patient. " Je n'en peux plus de monsieur Kastronov! (I can't take monsieur Kastronov anymore!) "

" Lousy service in this dungeon, they forced me in! You Franks can't get me, do you! " Hilden furiously grumbled and yelled. A nurse poked her head in only to quickly withdraw into the hall as a coffee mug nearly pegged the left side of her head. " I said "out", witch! "

The general practitioner nodded at the cardiologist and entered the room. Then, the Leanan Sidhe nurse named Annika rushed immediately away from the patient after she took some blood samples from Kastronov. Amnon nodded at her in greeting as she responded him with a weary smile.

Amnon read and flipped the files from Kastronov. He sat down near his bedside and greeted him, " Bonjour, monsieur Hilden Kastronov. I'm Docteur Amnon Joseph Montmartre, your attending physician for now. "

" At least one of you, you do not trying to poison me with your untested confounded potions! Don't tell me, Frank, you're from Odyssea Academy?! " Hilden angrily ranted and shot a glare at the doctor. " What are you, an intern like those people who come to me?! "

" I came from Odyssea Academy for my pre-med and worked there for around eight months in my second term. Monsieur, I am not an intern, but I'm a returning resident. "

" Finally, a fellow on mead, " he sighed in relief and calmed down.

Amnon nodded and instantly took his stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. He recalled that Severin and Annika instantly left Kastronov's room. The retired ringmaster and circus owner widened his eyes in shock and instantly sat up.

Convalescence of Doctor A.J. MontmartreWhere stories live. Discover now