Chapter 17

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[Departement de police du Donjon de Monoceros: 6:30 PM, 27th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

The police officers busied themselves going around the police station. Some had taken care of them pending and on-going Umbral Cult cases. Some handled from the missing people. The rest were other crimes around the city.

Shemlock Homes and Neil Ingrid Carter were collaborating some cases along with the phooka police Inspector Tier Sauveterre who remained very stern and sleepless. The most recent case they were working was the Kastronov Circus Riot Incident from two days ago.

" Well, Mr. Carter and I had reports of the man named Sèvère Porcher, Inspector, " Shemlock spoke." Boris Kastronov is our asset and still recovering at the hospital along with the others. His father Hilden is bedridden. Porcher is no where to be found. "

" Yes, sir, " Neil added." If we can go around Bonaparte Park and investigate further along with the Foranean police. Perhaps, we can find more evidences aside from the testimony. "

" Leave those reports on my desk, " Inspector Sauveterre said to Shemlock. Afterward, he turned his attention to Neil. " Now, hold up there. You're a journalist not a police officer neither a detective. Let me and Shemlock handle this, you have your story. "

" But inspector..." Neil paused.

" Neil, you may step outside. Just wait for me, " the Aldernian detective replied.

" Yes, sir..."

The elven newspaper reporter heavily sighed and left the room. The detective and the phooka police inspector continued their discussion.

" Tier, everything is related to the Umbral Cultists. You might consider finding their true motives. Doctor Montmartre warned you about them during your interrogation with him, " Shemlock explained.

" I'm aware, Shemlock. But you don't understand the reality of this. We're understaffed and lost our best detectives to these damn Umbral cultists. To make it worse, we can't keep up with these new reports. Not to mention, these stockpile of evidences that we have to go through as well. It would be good if we had a expert in umbra magic, " Tier sighed in discouragement. " We're running out of resources and fast. "

" The Dark Elves..." the Aldernian detective snapped his fingers. " Have you heard of them? "

" What about them? " Tier curiously asked.

He deduced and seriously looked at the phooka police inspector, " If you can remember meeting a couple a few nights ago, you have seen a group of elven people terrorising and making their victims disappear using void magic in making portals. I presume you missed arresting one of the leaders of the Dark Elves, an elven witch. She had vanished infront of you. " Thinking the Dark Elves may have a connection to Porcher from the circus or any of those Umbrals. Two nights ago, Porcher has a pet talking head coming from a deceased person, controlling everyone and causing a tremendous riot. To conclude my statement, what do they have in common? It's Dark Magic, of course. "

" D'accord. I remember, that elven journalist mentioned Bonaparte Park, right? " Tier responded and crossed his arms." Perhaps, we can look there for any suspicious activities. I can't spare anymore detectives to investigate this. Until then, this will be our case. "

" Well, as much as we can. We have to deal with them by ourselves since the Dark Elves and Porcher may have a close connection. "

Suddenly, they heard a loud knock when the conversatiom from two men got interrupted.

" Who's there? " Shemlock asked.

" Messieurs, this is Lieutenant Costa, " a male voice answered. " We have someone who needs to see you. "

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