Chapter 32

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[Département de police du donjon de Monoceros, 9:05 AM, 8th of Before Witching, Year 426]

" Ivo, are you sure about this one? " Amnon asked his older brother with a concern while getting to park his car near the sidewalk. " If you're not ready to speak to them, just let me know. I understand this is a big contemplating step to confront your skeletons in the closet. "

" Es geht mir gut (I'm fine). If it's too much for me, just try to calm me down, " Ivo said.

" Da, I'll see what I can do, mon frère, " the Akrovian-Foranean doctor nodded and parked the car, turning off the engine.

The two men stepped out of the vehicle and entered the building where there were police officers going around the premises. Some had walked along with the apprehended criminals. There were other people who were distressedly complaining and reporting their issues. They reached at the receptionist's desk area when a purple haired female elven police officer with a pair of eyeglasses politely smiled at them.

" Bonjour messieurs. Comment puis-je t'aider? (Bonjour, gentlemen. How can I help you?) " she asked.

"Nous sommes ici pour voir plusieurs prisonniers du nom de Antrox, Nidhiki, and Chirox. (We're here to see several prisoners by the name of Antrox, Nidhiki, and Chirox.)." Ivo answered her in Franken.

" Ah oui. Messieurs Friedrich, Hethiss et Weber. Ils sont responsables de l'affaire terroriste place de Salmonelle il y a deux jours. Je demanderai à mon supérieur s'il vous autorise à les voir. (Ah, oui. Messieurs Friedrich, Hethiss, and Weber. They're responisble for the terror case in Place de Salmonelle two days ago. I'll ask my superior if he allows you to see them.) " the elven police officer nodded and reminded them. " Au fait, messieurs. Puis-je demander votre nom et vos identifiants s'il vous plaît? (By the way, sirs. Can I ask for your name and IDs please?) "

" Ivo Matthias Augustin-Fischer. " he told the police officer before handing his driver's license and military ID.

" Je suis Amnon Joseph Danilovsky-Montmartre. Je suis avec lui. (I'm Amnon Joseph Danilovsky-Montmartre. I'm with him.) " Amnon added and handed her his physician license and driver's license.

She nodded at the two men and examined their IDs. She wrote the visitors' name in her logbook and kept the IDs at the drawer. Then, she gave them their pass cards.

Ivo smiled at the receptionist and police officer before taking his pass card, " Merci. "

Amnon nodded thanks at her and listened at her instructions.

" De rien. Monsieur Fischer, Docteur Montmartre. Veuillez tourner à droite en marchant dans le couloir. Vous pouvez voir la zone de la prison. Je vais demander à l'inspecteur Sauveterre de vous rencontrer. (You're welcome, Monsieur Fischer, Doctor Montmartre. Please turn right while walking on the hallway. You can see the prison area. I'll ask Inspecteur Sauveterre to meet you two.) " she instructed.

" Nous ferons, mademoiselle. Merci. (We'll do, mademoiselle. Thank you.) " the general practitioner replied.

They followed her instructions in going to the prison area. They noticed a bulletin board of missing people, important reminders, and some wanted criminals in hiding. Just then, theh had reached to the prison area where criminals were being incarcerated.

" Let's stay close, " Ivo warned as he saw all the prisoners.

" I know, " he nodded. " Let's expect some worst case scenarios, but we'll do what's necessary. "

" Ja, " the Chergarian geomancer and blacksmith said in agreement.

" Somehow, this reminds me of my first internship at the mental institution when I was in my third year in med school at University of Foranea, " Amnon recalled and sighed. " It's eeriely silent, but there were instances that patients were unruly. "

Convalescence of Doctor A.J. MontmartreWhere stories live. Discover now