Chapter 28

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[Monoceros Keep General Hospital's Outpatient Department: 8:20 AM, 5th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Scurrying around and bringing his lab coat and belongings, Amnon reached at his office and noticed a queue of patients waiting for the general practitioner and other specialists. He heavily sighed and felt embarrassed for being late since he had been always on time at work. The resident doctor was confronted by another fellow who happened to be his immediate supervising physician and senior in his med school days at University of Foranea. He was a dark haired man in his late thirties and slightly taller than Amnon. Just behind his glasses, he had a pair of azure irises in his eyes. The supervising outpatient doctor intently grinned at his subordinate fellow and snickered.

" Pas vraiment un lève-tôt aujourd'hui, Amnon. (Not much of an early bird today, Amnon.) " he laughed and handed him a pile of clip folders.

" Bonjour Théo! C'est juste que j'ai un visiteur elfe et un ami qui est passé chez moi hier soir et a pris le petit déjeuner avec nous! (Bonjour, Thèo! It's just I have an elven visitor and friend who dropped by at home last evening and had breakfast with us!) " the blonde moustached fellow nervously chuckled and received the pile of clip folders of his patients.,

Doctor Thèo Boyer heard his subordinate fellow and cocked his eyebrows. He intently smiled at him and nonchalantly replied, " D'accord, vous ferez face à une multitude d'humains, d'elfes, de nains, d'orcs et de Leanan Sidhe comme patients tout au long de la journée. Alors, faisons-les trier et traiter. (Okay, you'll be facing a multitude of humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and Leanan Sidhe people as your patients throughout the day. So, let's get them sorted and treated.) "

" Oui! " Amnon nodded and nervously gulped while looking at the people waiting for him. He quickly entered to his office and looked at the list of patients, picked up the first patient, and left his room, calling, " Monsieur Tsirhc Itna! "

An Aldernian man with charcoal brown hair and radiant blue eyes who was a few inches shorter than the Akrovian-Foranean doctor in height. He was semi-built and dressed in a business suit. Itna was holding a cane and giving the general practitioner a warm smile when he entered the clinic.

" Ah, I have waited for you since thirty minutes ago, Doctor Montmartre, " he cordially spoke. " It seems you have a very busy morning, doesn't it? I'm honored to be your first patient on the queue. "

" Yes, of course, come in, " Amnon smiled back at his patient and let him enter. " So, monsieur Itna, this is for your physical examination? "

" Certainly, doctor, " Itna nodded. " I've been doing this every year back in Alderny, but it seems like the doctors in my other country seem to be expensive and health care services are not that effective as yours in Foranea. "

Amnon cocked his eyebrows and deeply thought of his patient's words. Still, Itna managed to convincingly smile at him. The general practitioner offered him a seat when the Aldernian patient instantly sat down.

" So, no history of illnesses, injuries, and hospital confinement before? " the blonde moustached doctor asked.

" Oh, no at all, sir! " the brunette Aldernian chuckled. " I had no experiences such as those. "

" Any family history of terminal illnesses or comorbidity? "

" None..."

" Any experiences of Umbral influences or curses? "

Itna remained dead silent and sweating upon hearing the physician's question. He seemed like he was being instantly stabbed and pierced by the back with a surgeon's scalpel. Amnon looked intently at his patient and waited for his response, while filling out and writing at the patient form.

Convalescence of Doctor A.J. MontmartreWhere stories live. Discover now