Chapter 24

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 5:30 AM, 2nd of Before Witching, Year 426]

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 5:30 AM, 2nd of Before Witching, Year 426]

The morning sunrise slowly kept appearing when the general practitioner opened his eyes and sat up while stretching. He was too silent when he noticed his pregnant wife who was still sleeping and tired from yesterday's medical mission. Amnon sincerely smiled and kissed her smooth pinkish cheeks. He was still in his military green Foranean Army shirt and a pair of navy blue pajamas. He wore his glasses into his face and headed to the bathroom to urinate and wash himself. Then, he started his morning routine of reading the Ouranist scriptures and praying to the Heavenly Hosts.

While praying, he heard a sudden threshold from downstairs like a sound of clanking and striking metal. Amnon wore his blue bathrobe, stood up, and left the bedroom. He headed downstairs and followed the noise, leading him to the hardware and storage room. The blonde mustached doctor noticed his adopted Chergarian brother was busily examining and tinkering the projectile weapons that he had brought from Odyssea Academy's contractor guild. Amnon entered the room and stood behind the ginger haired bearded man who was holding a wrench.

" Perfekt, das würde funktionieren, sobald es getestet ist! (Perfect, this would work once it's tested!) " he happily said to himself and turned around when he was surprised to see his younger adoptive brother standing and observing behind him. " Amnon, guten Morgen! I mean...Bonjour! "

" Bonjour, Ivo! Vous êtes en train de vous occuper de la réparation de mes armes! Qu'est-ce qui vous amène à vous réveiller trop tôt ce matin? (Bonjour, Ivo! You are currently becoming occupied in fixing my guns! What brings you to wake up too early this morning?) " Amnon slightly laughed and asked.

Ivo made a sweatbead and wryly chuckled as he fully understood the question and replied the doctor in Franken, " Je viens de me réveiller vers quatre heures du matin en ressentant un mal de ventre. Je suis allé à la salle de bain et j'ai retiré ces résidus d'Umbral dans les toilettes et j'ai tiré la chasse d'eau. (I have just woken up around four in the morning as I felt a stomachache. I went to the bathroom and withdrawing those Umbral residue into the toilet and flushed it.) "

Amnon smirked and nodded, controlling his laughter, " Ah, it's the adverse reaction of the combiner drug! You were experiencing diarrhea, I presume? For how many times have you been in and out of the bathroom? "

" Ja, let's say four to five times! " Ivo nervously chuckled, becoming embarrassed. " Then afterwards, I felt warm, not feverish warm. I'm absolutely feeling much better than ever. Then, I never returned to sleep. Instead, I have started to examining your weapons and repairing the broken ones. "

" You mean those prototypes? You still have energy despite of
less hours of sleep, mon frère! "

" Ja wohl! " the ginger haired Chergarian nodded in agreement and smiled genuinely. " I'm just doing this to repay you from what you have done to me last night. I wish I could have done this beforehand. Well, nevermind. I am thinking if the Blue Knight needed more firepower aside his electric spells. There are some mechanical parts that need to be reused, recycled, and thrown away. "

Convalescence of Doctor A.J. MontmartreWhere stories live. Discover now