Chapter 38

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[Montmartre Residence : 10:25 PM, 13th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Amnon returned home from the hospital which he thought of creating of another bottle of Photis's Blessing. He had gathered some medicinal herbal plants from the garden, some tablespoons of salt, a bottle of Ouranist Holy Water, and the powdered form of Dragotsenny. While boiling the herbs, He picked up his notes from Mack and himself, followed the exact measurements of the formulation, and spent combining and creating the ingredients. Then, he offered a prayer of dedication to the Great Lady in both Franken and Luski.

Suddenly, a bright light had flashed from his newly created serum as he got startled. Just then, there was a gentle knock on the door. Amnon opened it as his elderly mother stepped inside the room.

" Amnon, pochemu ty ne spish' v takoye vremya nochi? (Amnon, why are you not sleeping at this time of the night?) " Karola curiously asked her physician son. " YA slyshal, kak ty molilsya, kogda v etoy komnate vnezapno vspykhnul yarkiy svet. Chto ty delayesh'? (I heard you praying when a sudden bright light just flashed into this room. What is it you are doing?) "

" YA delayu yeshche odnu syvorotku dlya blagosloveniya Velikoy Materi Fotidy i Yeye Nebesnykh Voinstv. Prosti, yesli ya meshayu tebe spat'!(I'm making another serum to be blessed by the Great Mother Photis and Her Heavenly Hosts. I'm sorry if I bother your sleep!) " he awkardly grinned and chuckled.

" Eto lekarstvo, kotoroye ty mne vkolol? (Is that the medicine you have injected me?) " she asked and looked at the tall and long erlenmeyer flask with a greenish liquid.

" Da, no ona boleye sovershenna, chem syvorotka zhiznennoy sily iz Akademii Odisseya. Moi kollegi-vrachi poprosili menya razrabotat' lekarstvo dlya etogo patsiyenta, nakhodyashchegosya v kome. (Yes, but it's more enhanced than the Vitality Serum from Odyssea Academy. My fellow doctors asked me to create a medication to that coma patient.) "

" YA nadeyus', chto vash patsiyent ochen' skoro vyzdoroveyet i pridet v soznaniye. (I hope your patient recovers and gains his consciousness very soon.) "

[Doctor Montmartre's Outpatient Office: Monoceros Keep General Hospital Outpatient Area: 11:45 AM, 14th of Before Witching, Year 426]

A sixty-six years old greying haired woman who happened to be one of Amnon's patients was accompanied by her mid-thirties daughter. They were thanking the general practitioner and leaving his office. He was about to take his early lunch at the cafeteria when an elderly balding Chergarian man in a business suit was sitting on the bench.

" Bonjour, monsieur. Are you one of my next patients? If so, you can come back at 1:00 pm for physical exam, " Amnon politely spoke.

" Nein, nein! " the elderly Chergarian man chuckled. " I'm here to talk you, Herr Doktor, overlunch. "

" Pardon moi? Have we met before? "

" Actually, I am referred to you by Inspektor Sauveterre, Frau DuQuesne, and Doktor Lestrade. This is in relation to your patient and my former subordinate back in the Heer. "

" You mean, monsieur Chirox Friedrich? "

" Ja, " he nodded and introduced himself. " My name's Consul Ezra Caleb Schneider. You must be Doktor Amnon Joseph Montmartre. "

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