Chapter 5

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 1:39 PM,
18th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

After eating lunch and discussing with the Montmartre family, the Knightfalls enjoyed a hearty and delicious meal. This time, Dr. Glenda Montmartre was taking vital signs first to Celine who was also her pregnant just like her. Then, the pediatrician placed her stethoscope to the lady visitor's protruding belly, looked at her watch for sixty seconds, and had her stethoscope down.

" How are we, Glenda? " the brunette woman asked.

" Your vital signs are normal so far as well as your baby's heartbeat, " the pregnant pediatrician replied. " We're both already in the third trimester to the full term pregnancy."

" Third trimester? What's that? "

" This is when a child grows in weight and height inside the womb as well as the internal organs are fully developed. Definitely, this is the phase when we start to feel extremely tired, have contractions, and urinate and breath too much. If we reach the 40th to 42nd week, that's the time our labor pains will induce us to give birth, " she answered. " Possibly, you'll expect a painful normal delivery anytime soon. "

" It seems like I'm having a medical science lesson refresher from my older brother, " Celine smiled and recalled.

" You mean Smolder, my husband's friend? "

" Yeah, " she chuckled. " He has been lecturing and warning me about health risks when I visit his home. He's too strict when it comes to my health and safety. "

" Doctors like him, my husband, and I are so strict as we scrutinise everything within you. So forgive us when you find it that way, we are very concerned for your well-being, " Glenda softly and seriously spoke.

" Sure. "

" By the way, have you been taking your vitamins and eating nutritious meals as well as sleeping adequately prior to your last check up? "

" Yes, I have been doing those even we travel from town to town. "

" Good, " she nodded and smiled.

Celine thought of a question to ask to her doctor which it took time for her to compose. Glenda waited and placed her belongings into her doctor's bag.

" Glenda, I am wondering what name will be fitting to our child? Does it something to do with gender or anything we can find? "

" Had you gotten your pre-natal check before me? " Glenda replied. " That check-up can tell you of your child's gender. "

" Yes, at Monoceros Keep General Hospital two months ago. My husband brought me to Smolder when we all found it's a baby girl. "

" Well, let me think of your child's name, " the pediatrician mused. " That can be easy. How about 'Callisto'? "

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