Chapter 46

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[Monoceros Keep General Hospital's Outpatient Area: 26th of Before Witching, Year 426, 3:15 PM]

An elderly Elandric man was sitting on the lobby bench. Then, he held a newspaper and kept reading the headlines, mentioning the deceased Vice President Timèo Marcreau would be having a state funeral for public viewing in two days time. He heavily sighed when he skimmed through the article. Then, he also learned of President Zacharie Emil Pasteur appeared to be 'safe' after the Candlemas incident. He was wondering about the eyewitnesses' reports that the Foranean President was shot and fell into a coma. He scratched his beard and heavily sighed, becoming baffled. Then, he moved to the next page about the Martinnois fog. Somehow, this would also intrigue you which you kept reading about sulfur nitrate and ammonia gas were present and becoming unmoving. Yet, it was risky for anyone to remain in that affected town.

" Monsieur Gideon Tucker, " a brunette nurse called the elderly Elandric man's name. " Vous pouvez vous rendre au cabinet du Docteur Montmartre. (You may proceed to Docteur Montmartre's office.) "

" Merci, mademoiselle, " Gideon said to the nurse as he put the newspaper down, standing up from the chair, and following her.

The elderly Elandric man stood beside the doorway and knocked when the door opened. He recognised the tall blonde bespectacled man with a moustache. He used to be one of the previous students way back some decades ago in Odyssea Academy. He was warmly smiling at his patient and letting him enter.

" Bonjour, Monsieur Tucker. Please have a seat, " he called and offered a chair.

" Amnon! It's been quite a few years since I last saw you! " Gideon sincerely said as he sat down.

" It's good to see you again, Professeur. I have never expected to meet you here, " Amnon cheerfully replied. " So, how can I help? "

" My hypertension has been acting up lately. I've been getting chest pains, shortness of breath, headaches, and nose bleeding, " Gideon explained to his former student.

" How often do you experience these signs and symptoms? " he asked after listening.

" Almost regularly, " Gideon worriedly said.

" Is this your first time to a consultation or have you have met another doctor before me who gave you a medication? "

" I've met a cardiologist named Doctor Severin after retiring from being a professor at Odyssea Academy, " Gideon replied.

" So, have you followed his perscription? "

Gideon nodded at Amnon, " Yes. I've been following it since the day I retrieve it."

" Now, this puzzles me. Well, I have to check your vital signs again, " Amnon took out his stethoscope, placing it onto the elderly patient's chest and looked at his watch for 60 seconds. Then, he wrote it as 106 beats per minute. Thirdly, he placed the stethoscope at Gideon's back and said, " Take a deep inhale and exhale for 60 seconds."


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