Chapter 4

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[Ouranist Church and Convent of Saint Isaiah, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 5:39 AM, 17th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

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[Ouranist Church and Convent of Saint Isaiah, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 5:39 AM, 17th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

A tall, well-built, and pale-skinned bearded blonde elf man with a middle aged appearance, royal blue irises in his eyes, and wearing in his sleeping clothes woke up from his bedroom at the priests's residential quarters and placed his glasses on his face. He read the Ouranist scriptures, knelt down, lifted his head and arms upward, and started praying in Luski his mother tongue.

" Moya dorogaya Nebesnaya Mat' Fotida, (My Dear Heavenly Mother Photis,)

YA poklonyayus' vam vsem serdtsem i dushoy etim utrom. Spasibo za takoy prekrasnyy den', chtoby otprazdnovat' zhizn' i lyubov'. (I worship You with all my heart and soul this morning. Thank you for such a wonderful day to celebrate life and love.)

Prosti moi grekhi i pregresheniya. YA chelovek, pavshiy neskol'ko raz, no po Tvoyey blagodati i milosti ya do sikh por dostoin sluzhit' Tebe i Tvoim detyam, kak i my. Pozhaluysta, pokazhite mne videniye, chto mne nuzhno, chtoby podelit'sya s kem-nibud'. (Forgive for my sins and transgressions. I am man who has fallen for several times, but by Your grace and mercy, I am still worthy of serving You and Your children like us. Please show me a vision what I need to share anyone.)

YA po-prezhnemu budu proslavlyat' Tebya videniyami i ucheniyami. (I will still glorify You through visions and teaching.)

Amin'. (Amen.) "

The Akrovian elf priest spent in his quiet time for a while, until he saw a vision of young warriors living in their peaceful and satisfying lives after dealing with such disaster and danger. He smiled and sighed in relief. The second vision he had was an angel returning home to his beloved pregnant wife who would bear a young child. Also, he saw another pregnant woman from an elf man who would have a child. He was smiling at the prophetic outcome. On the third vision, he saw the same angel who would lose his sword from a demon. The angel had to create a new sword and an armor to protect his people which he had to undergo some trials. The last vision took place in a futuristic time. A strange looking man was talking to his four chosen people and mentioning a chaotic end as he would rule the world under his reign.

He quickly opened and widened his eyes in shock, huffing. He took a glass of water and drank to pacify himself. Then, he uttered a prayer in Luski again. After his prayers, he took a shower, changed into shirt and overalls, ate his breakfast, and started gardening the church yard.

" Vous vous êtes occupé aujourd'hui, Père Mar-Vell, (You have busied yourself today, Father Mar-Vell,) " a middle aged Foranean human nun chimed in. " Êtes-vous censé vous préparer pour la messe de demain? (Are you supposed to prepare for the mass tomorrow?) "

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