Chapter 15

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[Bonapartre Park, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 9:50 PM, 25th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

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[Bonapartre Park, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 9:50 PM, 25th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

The loud circus performances had amazed the audiences. Shemlock Homes and Neil Ingrid Carter watched while they kept observing. The rest of the audiences cheered at the acrobats and loudly applauded the show. Shemlock looked crossed his arms and kept moving his head while Neil kept writing on his notebook on what he saw.

" Turn that frown upside down. Why so gloomy, good sir? " asked a creepily cheerful voice as a clown rode down the aisle past Shemlock on his way to the middle of the stage on his unicycle.

" I'm looking for Boris Kastronov. Is he here? " the Aldernian detective sternly asked.

The clown broke his nonsensical bike and pointed to the back of the stage, " Try the back. He might be on break till act 4."

Shemlock gestured the elven journalist as he nodded. They headed at the back of the stage and noticed a younger man who looked uncanny to the previous ring master, Hilden Kastronov.

" Mr. Kastronov, this is Shemlock Homes, " he introduced himself and the journalist. " This is my associate Neil Carter. It's a pleasure to meet you. "

As they approached the ring master, an Elandric clown with an oddly good physique wearing a loin cloth and cape stepped in his way.

" Neil, we are getting information about Kastronov's associate..." Shemlock reminded.

" Of course. "

" Woah pal! Not just anyone can bother the boss when he is on break, " he retorted.

The ring master pushed the clown aside and deadpanned, " It's all right, Boingo. I know who he is."

" Ah, nice to meet you Mr. Kastronov, " Neil said and shook his hand in greeting before turning his attention to the clown. " I'm a journalist from La Premier Foranéè. Is it okay that I ask a few questions? Don't worry, I won't be a bother much in your work. "

" Da, " the younger ringmaster nodded.

Neil said, turned his attention to the clown to ask his questions, and took out his notepad to write down. " Did you see any trouble or suspicious activity at that are as of late? "

A short and stout Foranean clown looked at Kastronov and Boingo and shrugged, " I guess ze boss can answer that. "

" Do know where we could find the boss? " Neil asked the fellow clown.

" Sacrè bleu, you are talking to him right now, mon'ami! "

" Gospodin Carter, you are obviously talking to me! " Boris loudly laughed and slapped his knees.

Shemlock facepalmed and sighed to his disappointment. Neil nervously grinned and chuckled. Just then, the ring master's laughter ceased and looked at the clowns, gesturing them to leave. The two men with strange make-up nodded and immediately walked away.

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