Chapter 26

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[Neforie Mansion, Monoceros Keep Outskirts: 10:30 PM, 3rd of Before Witching, Year 426]

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[Neforie Mansion, Monoceros Keep Outskirts: 10:30 PM, 3rd of Before Witching, Year 426]

An old man with a white slicked hair and dressed in a red suit walked around and with a cane. He was holding a book of the Umbral Arts and hearing a knock on the door. He wondered who could be calling his attention at this time of the night.

" Qu'est-ce? (Who is it?) " he asked.

" Sénateur Neforie, vous avez un visiteur. (Senator Neforie, you have a visitor.), " a female voice calmly echoed. " Il veut te voir. (He wants to see you.) "

" Laisse-le entrer. Il pourrait être quelqu'un d'important, pas ces pitoyables garnements. (Let him in. He might be an important person, not those pitiful whelps). "

Slowly the door opened as an Aldernian man in his late thirties strolled in. He wore a pinstripe suit of red and black, white gloves and the hat of a carnival barker. As the man approached, he bowed in a courteous fashion.

" Bonsoir, monsieur Itna, " the elderly Foranean politician nonchalantly greeted and warmly smiled at his guest." How's everything? Any report of your recruitments and those crime sprees they have done? "

Itna smirked, " Why have doubts, Senator? How can you doubt me of all people, good sir. Unlike the competition, I, Tsirhc Itna, get the job done or your Creds back."

" Well, I have heard from our resources which there are  nonsensical bottom dwellers who escaped from our radical group. Madame Sheeva wanted to exterminate those traitors, especially that Chergarian Orange man! I influenced him to return to his country and serve the war against their enemies, but he failed. Again, I had recruited him to become one of us, but he disobeyed. I asked Grilda to dispose him for good, " he infruriatingly answered. " The Umbral Lords and Ladies won't be pleased if we recruit another failure! "

Itna could see the Ordrè de Damokles leader and Foranean senator was flushing and electrifying in anger. Then, he produced a cane out of thin air and leaned forward on it chuckling.

" No need to worry, Senator. My array of freaks will get the job done. My newest recruit is rather deceiving but has a strong work ethic. "

" Tell me, who is it? " Senator Neforie asked and cocked his eyebrows.

" Who is redundant so is what... I could explain but I don't want to give up the ghost so to speak, " Itna replied frowning slightly.

" Spare me the details, monsieur Itna."

" In my line of work, I find that details get in the way of the show, " Itna replied rolling his eyes. " As I said details..who needs em."

Tsirhc Itna backed away slowly noticing the look Neforie was giving him. The Umbral Foranean senator became very unamused and crossed his arms, defiantly raising his left eyebrows.

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