Chapter 42

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[Monoceros Keep General Hospital’s Second Floor: 18th of Before Witching, 426: 10:06 AM] 

Waiting for the discharge clearance and packing up his belongings, Fumikage and Rènèe Tsurumi were both looking forward to returning home with their children. Suddenly, they both heard knocking on the door as they exchanged glances. The Beirunese artist nodded at his wife and walked over to the door when he carefully twisted his knob towards the left. He saw a bandaged man and his blonde wife. With them, he noticed a police officer and a ranger elf escort standing outside his room and was surprised.

Guten Morgen, meine freunden, “ the blonde Chergarian lady warmly smiled and said. “ I’m really sorry that my husband wanted to talk to you. We don’t intend to bother you two.” 

 “ Your husband, madame? “ Fumikage curiously repeated the words from her. Then, he looked at his wife and chuckled, “ No, it’s fine! We are waiting for my discharge clearance. Come in, you two! “ 

“ Danke. “ 

The blonde woman carefully pushed her spouse in a wheelchair. The bandaged man nodded at the other two spouses in greeting. Somehow, he seemed very nervous in how to express himself after seeing his former victim. His wife gently tapped his right shoulder. She was giving him an assuring smile and turning to the Tsurumis. 

“ By the way, my name’s Maria Angela Friedrich, “ she introduced herself and her other half. “ This is my husband, Chirox Ludwig Friedrich. “ 

“ It’s nice to meet you, Monsieur et Madame Friedrich, “ the Foranean woman sincerely smiled and replied. “ I’m Rènèe Deschamps-Tsurumi. This is also my loving spouse, Fumikage. “ 

Dozo yoroshiku, minna-san. (It’s nice to meet you, everyone.) “ the Beirunese artist respectfully bowed at the Friedrichs. 

Chirox and Angela shared glances, became lost in translation, and then bowed in response to the Tsurumis. 

Désolé, nous ne parlons pas et ne comprenons pas le beirunenais. (Sorry, we don’t speak and understand Beirunese.) “  Chirox nervously grinned and responded in Franken.

Je suis désolé à ce sujet! Et si nous parlions tous en Neo-Yddassi. Es-ce bien? (I'm sorry about that! How about if we all speak in Neo-Yddassi. Is that fine?) “ Fumikage chuckled.

“ Much better, monsieur. We’ll lessen the use of Chergari words and phrases here! “ 

“ Ah, good! So, what brings you to visit us? “ 

Chirox turned to his wife and held her hand. Angela sincerely smiled at him, implying assurance and encouragement for him to disclose. The Chergarian burn survivor took a deep inhale and composed his words. 

“ Monsieur Tsurumi, the reason why I’m here is I ask for an apology for what happened to you three months ago, “ he broke his silence. 

“ Why are you apologizing, Friedrich-san? “ Fumikage intriguingly asked. “ We have just met today. Is there something wrong? “ 

“ I used to be a member of the Ordrè de Damocles under the Der Makuta faction. I was a cultist and an assassin, “ Chirox sadly confessed and recalled. “ A few days back, I went strolling around with my wife and escorts after my scheduled session with my psychotherapist. We saw your wife incessantly go in and out of the chapel praying for your recovery. Then, we heard from the nurses that you had been in a coma for three months. The doctors were about to pull out your life support equipment. “ 

Hearing the former cultist’s confession, Fumikage depressingly bowed his head and silently wept. His wife gently patted and rubbed his back, comforting him. Angela looked at her spouses and thought of leaving this room before something would happen to them. 

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