Chapter 41

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A part of this chapter may contain a mature scene. It may not be suitable for younger readers. Reader's descretion is strictly advised.

[Five Days after the Party: Durand Manor 7:15 PM]

As Wilma and Odette enjoyed dinner, a dwarven maid had come to them. She served desserts and waited for the two to finish. Suddenly, she heard a doorbell and rushed to the living area.

" Qui est-ce? (Who is it?) " she asked and opened the door.

" Bonsoir, C'est Sonia Witwickens, leur amie Elandric-Robanienne, je viens leur rendre visite, vos Maîtresses Wilma, et Odette. (Good evening, It's Sonia Witwickens, their Elandric-Robanian friend, I'm coming over to visit, your Mistresses Wilma, and Odette.) " She announced and queried." Comment vont-ils ce soir? (How are they doing tonight?) "

" Oh, tu peux entrer (Oh, you can come in), " the maid said and let her enter the house, gesturing to follow her.

" Merci. (Thank you.)," Sonia smiled and followed the dwarf inside, as she'd taken a gander around." Cela n'a pas beaucoup changé, n'est-ce pas? Le lobby? (This hasn't seen much change has it? The lobby?) "

" Eh bien, nous avons passé du temps à épousseter et à nettoyer la maison. (Well, we spent time dusting and cleaning around the house.) "

" Chaque grain de poussière est inexistant, vous avez fait un travail impeccable, Mademoiselle. (Every speck of dust is nonexistent, you've done an impeccable job, Miss.) " Sonia complimented and asked her." Sont-ils dans le salon? (Are they in the living room?) "

" La salle à manger, madame. (The dining room, madame.) "

" Est-ce qu'ils viennent de finir de dîner ? Je suis peut-être arrivé un peu en retard avec mon voyage. (Have they just finished dinner? I might've arrived a little late with my journey.)" Sonia replied with a gander of looking at paintings. " Et d'après ce qu'ils avaient eu, ça sent sûrement exquis. (And from what they'd had, it surely smells exquisite.)"

" Oh, attends, je vais peut-être leur demander la permission. Ils essaieront de vous appeler. (Oh, hold on, I will ask permission from them, perhaps. They will try to call you.) "

" J'ai compris, et s'il vous plaît, allez-y, j'attendrai ici et admirerai le tableau qu'Odette a collectionné. (Understood, and please go ahead, I'll wait here and admire the painting that Odette has collected.) " Sonia nodded to the maid.

Sitting down on a sofa, she'd examined the first of the paintings, of Odette's collection of one having a boat sailing in the heavy currents of the ocean, and a plethora of others, while she waited.

" Sonia, you're here! Hi! " a platinum haired woman approached her in a blue dress.

Sitting up, Sonia went to meet the young physician and smiled." Wilma, I've missed you and Odette so much." She hugged her tightly.

" Oh, hi! How are you doing? " Wilma hugged her.

" My day has been interesting, I've taken Bella into her course of beginning her future as a nurse to a doctor, and for myself, I'm handling well, on moving on." Sonia smiled.

" How's your daughter? "

" Bella knows about her father's fate, and she's taking each step in recovering, by doing her course of becoming a future nurse." Sonia said." And maybe, you can assist her by giving her lectures? "

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