Chapter 45: Part 1 Spark of an Umbral Cult Revolution

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[Dread Wolves Tribe Village 21st of Before Witching, 426 7:20 PM]

The cold winter breeze flew above the village and travelled around the forests. The rest of the people awaited for the first snow fall when the sky started to drop some cold white flakes into the ground. The village musicians kept playing such lively music to uplift the mood for the residents and settlers. This time, Ivo and Sophia were still eating their supper from the outside when they noticed some very tiny balls of snow fell into their shoulders. Sophia softly chuckled and felt chilly.

" Ça va bien? (Are you okay?) "  the ginger haired one asked curiously.

" Oui! "  Sophia nodded and smiled at her boyfriend, brushing off the snow from her shoulders. " It's just some snow dropped on me! "

Ivo finished his meal, stood up from his seat, and removed his dark leather jacket. Sophia got surprised to see him as he had let het wore it. She never expected him to do it.

" Merci, Ivo, " the blue haired elven nurse helplessly smiled and blushed hard. " I have never expected you to let me wear your jacket. How about you? "

" I'm okay, " he warmly smiled back. " I don't want to let someone to be left out in the cold, meine Schatz. "

" Meine Schatz?! "

" I mean, ma chère! Je suis dèsole! "

Sophia sincerely said, " I have never realised a human and part-elven like you could be so thoughtful. "

" Ja, " Ivo replied and held his girlfriend's hand. " Danke, Merci. I really wish to meet your parents someday and get to know more about them. "

" Vraiment? (Really?) " 

Oui, je viens de rencontrer vos nièces, votre neveu et Christopher comme votre cousin. Ce serait mieux si je les rencontrais. (Yes, I have just met your nieces, nephew and Christopher as your cousin. It would be better if I meet them.)"

Sophia recalled the day when she received a phone call from her parents after her shift. She looked at Ivo and said, " Mes parents sont actuellement à Baldria puisqu'ils y gèrent une entreprise. Je viens de recevoir un appel téléphonique il y a deux jours. Ils pourraient prendre des vacances à Foranea l’année prochaine, à la fin de l’hiver. Je leur ai parlé de toi comme de mon petit-ami.(My parents are currently in Baldria since they are managing a business there. I have just received a phone call two days ago. They may take a vacation to Foranea by next year when the winter ends. I have told them about you as my boyfriend.) "

" Qu'ont ils dit? (What did they say?) " Ivo intriguingly asked.

" Maman était très heureuse d'entendre parler de moi pour avoir trouvé la bonne personne. Papa voulait te mettre au défi d'être rock, innovant et très intelligent! (Mama was very pleased to hear of me for finding the right person. Papa wanted to challenge you for being rocky, innovative, and very intelligent!)  " she laughed.

The ginger head Chergarian blacksmith and mechanic deeply thought, nervously gulped, and instantly drank his cup of water. The future challenge somehow would be both engaging and difficult since he would confront his future father-in-law. He needed to make sure if how he could impress Monsieur Aurand and his wife. Definetely, he would ask his brothers and friends for it.

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