Chapter 22

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[Dread Wolves Tribe Village, Outside Monoceros Keep, 1st of Before Witching, Year 426, 10:00 AM]

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[Dread Wolves Tribe Village, Outside Monoceros Keep, 1st of Before Witching, Year 426, 10:00 AM]

As the medical team from the Monoceros Keep General Hospital and the security team from the La Foranea Police nationale had arrived two to three hours ago, the nomadic elven people from all walks of life had flocked to the selected group of doctors, dentists, nurses, and medical technicians for their physical exam. The police patrolled around the place and assisted both the medical team and the tribe people. In two hours, Doctors Amnon and Glenda Montmartre were busily talking and assesing their patients on queue. A young dark haired assistant nurse, Bella Witwickens was finished talking to the orc man Doctor Hugo McCoy when she approached the physician spouses.

" Doc Amnon, " she politely called him out. " Doctor McCoy has tasked you to check those patients in the quarantine tent. He will be your temporarily reliever for those other patients on queue as Doctor Sunstrider is also coming with you. "

" Thank you, Bella, " Amnon nodded at Bella as he finished diagnosing and giving perscription papers and medicines to an elderly elven patient suffering from hypertension. He stood up from his station and turned to Glenda. " Glen, I'll be off for a while as Docteur McCoy will temporarily take over for my next patients. "

Glenda looked at her spouse after she injected a vaccine to Celine's daughter, Callisto and replied, " Sure, I'll wait for you to return. Keep it up! "

The general practitioner stood up from his booth when an orc man walked over to him. McCoy smiled at him,held his things, and reminded, " No worries, Montmartre. This will be for a while since the former Ravenclaws need more medical attention. You can return to your station. "

" Oui, monsieur, " Amnon agreed and picked up his things, looking at the remaining patients. Then, he said, " Docteur McCoy will temporary take over for now. I'll be back soon. "

The elves nodded at him as the orc physician took over. The general practitioner skidded to the grass area when he met an Elandric physician in his thirties in short dark bluish locks. He was wearing a turquoise scrubs and holding his grey bag.

" Bonjour, It's been long time no see, Amnon, " the other doctor cordially smiled and greeted him. " I rarely see you and Glenda these days ever since we graduated med school at the uni! "

" Vulcan? You're here! " Amnon recognised his fellow physician and shook his hands. " How come you're working at the hospital again? "

" I'm taking three days a week mid-shift at the pediatric cancer ward and three days working at my clinic in Saint-Gratien. Clowning around with the kids and doing the usual check-ups for them have been occupied me ever since, " Vulcan replied and changed topic. " I heard what happened to you from your previous employer and your clinic. I'm sorry for the losses. It seems you're trying your best to keep up these days. "

Convalescence of Doctor A.J. MontmartreWhere stories live. Discover now