Chapter 39

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[Messier Residence, Rue de Sérénité, Monoceros Keep: 12:02 AM, 15th of Before Witching, Year 426]

The surgeon turned lizard man, Doctor Victor Jacques Messier grew tired of walking and following his fellow physician friend driving his car, since he didn't want to take a ride. He was too afraid and conscious of ruining the vehicle's interior because of his size. Instead, he went walking and made sure his friend could follow him on the way home.

They had come all the way from Moulin Noir in Place Loggen. Victor panted and suddenly slumped on the sidewalk. Doctor Amnon Montmartre noticed his friend and colleague's sudden exhaustion and turned off the car's engine, after parking it. Then, he wore his fedora hat, picked up a bottled water and a bag of croissant and left the driver's seat, closing the door. Victor noticed him, opening a bottle of water to drink and holding a midnight snack.

" Amnon...I really don't know what to say on this, " the lizard man broke his silence. " I have done so many bad things. I should be arrested for so many crimes I have done. My license should have been revoked. Regardless, it's still all my fault. I don't want to continue my medical practice with this altered appearance and broken reputation. "

Amnon instantly handed him a bottle of water and the bag of croissant and sincerely replied, " Victor, you're just hungry and thirsty. Go on, Bon Appètit! "

Victor curiously tilted his head and became confused. He helplessly sighed and started eating his croissants. Amnon waited for him to finish eating and thought of ringing the doorbell to call his friend's loved one. Then, he started recalling his early days in the Contractor Guild exploits and reminding of himself being too moody and homesick.

" You know what, " Amnon admitted. " I knew how it feels to be in your disposition. Truth be told, I thought of quitting my job in Odyssea Academy for two times. "

" What do you mean by that? "

" If you were in my shoes, you worked as a head physician for six months and got your normal working life before a complete turnaround of events occured. I harmed myself in meeting Damocles after being rejected by a rebel chief in Robania. Secondly, I was being confronted by the Academy's security officers which I let my nurses treated my adopted daughter after her sudden nervous breakdown. I almost quit my job. Then, a few months later, I lost a close friend of mine in Hurroka, got my right hand cutoff, and spent binge drinking in St. Essa. "

Victor remained silent upon hearing his friend's experiences and felt sorry for him. He heavily sighed and said, " I should have been dead if I were you. I can't endure so much hardships like those. That was worse than taking some trauma cases from the emergency room. Trust me, no ordinary physician can even join some contractor guild missions. I'm so sorry if some bad things happened to you. "

" It's okay. Our lives must continue and move forward, " he sincerely smiled and then sadly sighed. " I vowed myself to quit fighting, continue my medical practice, and be a family man like anyone else. "

" You know what, I got astounded in revealing yourself as the Blue Knight earlier and transforming back as yourself in the alleyway. Perhaps, your military and contractor guild involvement made you that way, Amnon. You're a true hero. You deserve to continue the right thing aside from continuing your practice and be a husband and father. You were a war veteran along with Glenda when I first met you in medical school. You guys are my closest friends as you two helped me out in studying some lessons after. I was about to drop out because of my failing grades, but you guys supported me and I also studied hard until we graduated. " Victor answered. " This time, I got kidnapped six months ago and didn't know what's going on. I missed seeing my wife Belle. We were supposed to have a baby. "

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