Chapter 1

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 1:55 PM, 7th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 1:55 PM, 7th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

A bespectacled short haired blonde woman wearing a white lab coat just came home from a half-day clinic duty which she knew there were two physicians at work aside from the medical staff.  She sat down on the couch and placed her belongings on the table. The pregnant pediatrician let out a deep breath and took a rest for a while before checking her mother-in-law and her carers. She was waiting for her husband's letter to be received, hoping of how he had been doing back in Odyssea Academy, and anticipating for his safe return during and after her labor due date.

Then, she just stood up from her seat, took a glass of water, and drank. She rubbed her large protuding belly which she had a daughter for eight months.

" Emie, your papa will come home soon with us, " she said with a smile. " We're all excited for him. You will see him very soon. "

Just then, she heard a loud knock on the door and felt a kick when she moaned.  The door kept knocking.

" Ow! Emie, not now! Don't kick too hard! You're not ready to come out yet! " The pregnant doctor slowly walked over the door and asked. " Who is it? "

A familiar male voice echoed from the door and pretended to be a stranger," Bonjour, j'ai un colis pour le docteur Glenda Joy Montmartre. (Good afternoon, I have a package for Doctor Glenda Joy Montmartre.) "

" A package?  I didn't buy anything or even expect something from Amnon, just his letters! "  Glenda dubiously thought,  cocked her eyebrows, and asked. " De qui et d'où vient-il, monsieur?  (Who and where is it from, sir?) "

" L'expéditeur n'a pas de nom indiqué sur le colis, mais votre nom est sûrement indiqué, Docteur Montmartre. (The sender doesn't have a name indicated on the package, but surely your name is indicated, Doctor Montmartre.) "

" My name is indicated from an unknown source?! Now, that's strangely funny, " she suspiciously thought and asked again. Puis-je le voir s'il vous plaît? Dois-je payer des frais de livraison?(May I see it please? Do I have to pay for delivery charges?) "

" Non, c'est gratuit, docteur. Je vais juste le déposer devant votre porte et partir. Ouvrez simplement la porte et voyez par vous-même, s'il vous plaît. (No, it's for free, doctor. I'll just drop it off on your doorstep and leave. Just open the door and see it for yourself, please.) "

Glenda heavily sighed as she was still having some trust issues with the 'delivery man' waiting on the doorstep. She was contemplating to open the door and holding her large belly.

" Emie, do you think should I open the door now? " she apprehensively asked.

The child in the womb kicked her mother for the second time to her response as Glenda moaned in pain. Then, she twisted the doorknob. To her surprise, she recognized a tall bespectacled and moustached man wearing a fedora hat and trenchcoat. He had a dark blue business suit underneath as he smiled to his wife. Just behind him, there were boxes and luggages. Glenda didn't expect for him to arrive before her due date and remained speechless in seeing her husband.

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