Chapter 29

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep: 1:40 AM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep: 1:40 AM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Doctor Glenda Montmartre woke up and sat up on the bed. She looked at her left side which her husband wasn't around in the wee hours of the mornning. The pregnant pediatrician sighed anxiously and became sleepless. Suddenly, she felt another kick from her large protruding abdomen when she frowned and moaned in pain. With that, Little Emie inside the womb was communicating to her mother by kicking.

" Emie, not now. You still have three days to be out of my tummy, " Glenda muttered and gently rubbed the womb. " I know you're excited to meet me and your dad. You're almost getting there. We'll see you soon, okay? "

The little girl listened to her mother and stopped kicking. Glenda sighed in relief, slowly stood up, and left the bedroom. She carefully descended to the stairs and headed to kitchen, looking and craving for a midnight snack. The blonde pregnant pediatrician took out a bread knife and sliced a piece of baguette, placing it on the plate. Then, she opened the refrigerator door, grabbed a bottle of milk and an empty transparent glass, and carefully poured it on. Glenda headed to the dining table and enjoyed her midnight snack.

" Bon appètit, Emie, " she happily greeted her daughter inside the womb and kept eating her slice of bread.

Suddenly, Glenda heard some footsteps from the living room and stood up from her seat. Becoming too suspicious, she headed to the laboratory and mini-clinic room which she took out of a scalpel from the drawer. The Elandric-Foranean physician wanted to make sure that no intruder would try to harm her and her daughter. Going further, she noticed an helmeted and armored warrior with a crimson cape who stood in front of her.

" Oh, Heavens! You almost give us a heart attack! " she exclaimed in shock.

" I didn't mean to scare you, Glen, " the Blue Knight emotionlessly replied. " And please put that scalpel away. "

" Oh, right, sorry. Just a sec," Glenda nervously laughed and returned to where the medical blade was placed. Then, she walked over to her husband who had just removed his helmet.

" Why on Iliad did you become so suspicious? " Amnon asked her with a concern.

" It's just for the past several months that you had been out of the country. I was starting to feel anxious that someone had stalked us before, " she admitted and sighed worryingly.

" Babe, the people from the Carnival in Aulia are no longer our concern. I suspected they would have been hunting you and mama, but it turned out to be a bluff. "

" It's not that it. Remember those letters which I have sent to you? I asked our friends and family members to visit me from time to time. Greg, Cynthia, Basil, Crispin, Wilma, Odette, Amèlie, like almost everyone had come and checked on me and our family. I really needed a diversion and kept busied myself working at our clinic while you were away. Still, I felt like being followed by someone else and had a hunch about this. "

Convalescence of Doctor A.J. MontmartreWhere stories live. Discover now