Chapter 35

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[Basement Area: University of Foranea, Monoceros Keep 6:30 PM, 10th of Before Witching, Year 426]

" Oh, Great Umbral Nobles Charybis, Damocles, Xiven, and Polyphemus! Hear these people who dared to challenge everyone and hoped for a better future in Foranea and the rest of Iliad! Here out our prayers to you! "

A man in a dark cloak stood at the center of the circular room and held a flask containing human blood which he had obtained from those victims of those towns which he and the Chergarian Leanan Sidhe had slain. Then, he turned to the students and the professors who worshipped with the minister. He opened the flask and whisked them with blood.

" Our Great Umbral Nobles, please bless us with knowledge and wisdom! We are your children who deserve to be part of this dark..."

" Monsieur Darkvile, " a young man called out and removed his hood, revealing his shaved head. " We have a problem. "

" What is it?! " Darkvile angrily asked and turned to him. " Who dares to interrupt our worship this evening?! "

" My apologies if I interrupt, the Blue Knight and his Ouranist allies may find our plans in the university and our brothers from Ordrè de Damokles. "

" How is that possible?! They cannot hinder our actions! "

" But monsieur, we had heard of their success in fighting against our brothers! " a woman's voice echoed. " We should do something! "

" No! " Darkvile firmly answered and clenched his fists. " We cannot let that happen! I must prove to the Great Charybdis that I am worthy to be your minister! We must show them how we are capable of! "

[Neforie's Mansion: 9:30 PM, 10th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Hans entered the office as the female skaven maid opened the door. She gestured him to come to the stateman's office. Senator Valfor Neforie was puffing with a thick brown Rogacian cigar. The smoke went all over the room when he saw him sitting on a chair next to his desk.

" Bonsoir, monsieur Malter. How's your work with Darkvile so far? " he asked nonchalantly and kept puffing his cigar and waited for the Chergarian Leanan Sidhe's response.

Ja, it went quite well. Most of the towns have been produced to rumble or burning as we speak, ” Hans answered.

" I see, " Neforie smirked and nodded, placing his cigar down. " Very well, you have done a great job on this one. You have understood that your people will come anytime soon when I get into office. "

Hans gave a grateful smile at Nerforie before speaking and responded, “ I was only following orders, Senator. Not to mention, I’ll always assist in making my country an even stronger empire as it is now. ”

" Of course, monsieur Malter. It will be under fruition," he replied and clasped his hands. " There's one thing that Darkvile has mentioned to me, it has something to do with your fellow one along with the other three. "

Neforie showed Hans some monochromatic pictures of the four men which Cheshire La Violette took a couple of days ago: a bespectacled and moustached man in his thirties with neatly slick short locks, a long haired elven man with silver eyes around more than 200 years, a short haired Chergarian man in his late thirties, and lastly, an armored man with a crimson cape.

“ I recognized the man with the moustache and his wife at the previous evening party.  More of our adversaries? ” Hans curiously asked.

" And this one with the orange hair, I have recruited him way back nine years ago. He was a Chergarian Army Deserter. I have understood that you met him a long time ago. He was used to be a spy, but then Grilda and her minions killed him. Yet, I wonder how he returned to life and acquired geomancy, " he seriously replied and puffed another cigar. " I understood your species have a tendency to drain a life energy through the opposite sex and make yourselves younger. I wonder if you could drain everyone and take his life force including his other colleagues. "

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