Chapter 6

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 5:39 AM,
19th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

Glenda spent touching and pressing on the ebony and ivory keys of the piano. Her right fingers were creating the song's melody as her left were making some smooth aggrepegio chords in key of E-flat. In the kitchen, Amnon was listening to his wife's piano music while he was preparing breakfast for everyone. While frying the eggs and bacon, he heard a sudden transposition to the key of C which he knew she was making an interesting development to the instrumental and returning to the original key.

" If only I have more time to play music and sing with her, " he thought and smiled while hearing his wife's music.

Just then, he finished cooking and heard the phone loudly ringing as Glenda paused her piano playing practice.

" Cheesecake, someone's ringing! " she called him.

" Coming! " Amnon quickly rushed to the living room, picked up the phone, and politely greeted in Franken. " Bonjour, c'est la résidence Montmartre. Puis-je savoir qui est-ce? (Good morning, this is the Montmartre residence. May I know who's this?) "

" Ah, bonjour Docteur Montmartre, comment allez-vous? (Ah, Good morning, Doctor Montmartre, how are you doing?) " a familiar elderly female voice greeted him back. The woman on the other line was watching her young wife sleeping on bed.

" Pas mal du tout, madame Durand. J'ai fini de préparer le petit-déjeuner pour tout le monde avant d'aller travailler à la clinique. (Not bad at all, Madame Durand. I'm done preparing breakfast for everyone before I head to work in the clinic.) " he replied and queried. " Dis-moi, pourquoi as-tu appelé? (Tell me, why did you call?) "

Odette sat down and gently touched her wife's arms while talking to her former student in medical school. She said, " Je vérifie juste mon étudiant précédent car je voudrais vous poser quelques questions si vous vous souvenez de mes cours précédents. (I'm just checking my previous student as I would like to ask you some questions if you can remember my lectures before.) "

" Oui, continuez madame. (Yes, go on ma'am.) "

" Pouvez-vous me dire la physiologie d'une maladie cardiaque? (Can you tell me the physiology of a heart disease?) " she asked while kissing her sleeping younger wife.

" Elle peut affecter une ou plusieurs parties de votre cœur et/ou de vos vaisseaux sanguins. Une personne peut être symptomatique (éprouver physiquement la maladie) ou asymptomatique (ne rien ressentir du tout). Les maladies cardiovasculaires comprennent les problèmes cardiaques ou vasculaires, notamment : Rétrécissement des vaisseaux sanguins dans votre cœur, d'autres organes ou dans tout votre corps. Problèmes cardiaques et vasculaires présents à la naissance. Valves cardiaques qui ne fonctionnent pas correctement. Rythmes cardiaques irréguliers. (It can affect one or many parts of your heart and/or blood vessels. A person may be symptomatic (physically experiencing the disease) or asymptomatic (not feeling anything at all). Cardiovascular disease includes heart or blood vessel issues, including: Narrowing of the blood vessels in your heart, other organs or throughout your body. Heart and blood vessel problems present at birth. Heart valves that aren't working right. Irregular heart rhythms.) " Amnon explained as he recalled a lecture of cardiovascular disease in his pathophysiology class.

" Qu'est-ce qui cause? (What causes?) "

" Ils peuvent varier en fonction du type spécifique. Par exemple, l'athérosclérose (accumulation de plaque dans vos artères) provoque une maladie coronarienne et une maladie artérielle périphérique. La maladie coronarienne, la cicatrisation de votre muscle cardiaque, des problèmes génétiques ou des médicaments peuvent provoquer des arythmies. Le vieillissement, les infections et les maladies rhumatismales peuvent provoquer des maladies valvulaires. (They can vary depending on the specific type. For example, atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in your arteries) causes coronary artery disease and peripheral artery disease. Coronary artery disease, scarring of your heart muscle, genetic problems or medications can cause arrhythmias. Aging, infections and rheumatic disease can cause valve diseases.) "

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