Chapter 16

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[Dread Wolves Tribe Village, Outside Monoceros Keep, Foranea 8:50 AM, 26th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

Phinehas Earthwood finished his breakfast and ended up in the tent where he was all alone and deeply recalling of what happened when Dr. Glenda Montmartre and Christopher Knightfall had told him. Somehow, he was thinking to redeem himself after the encounter with the Blue Knight and the Elves of the Dread Wolves Tribe. From the distance, Christopher watched him carefully with studying his habits and activities, he respected his decision.

" Hopefully he can provide us some answers, " he said in a whisper.

" You may go ahead and begin questioning him, " Merrill spoke and looked at the former Ravenclaw member. Phinehas let out a smile to the two people and pacified himself, even he felt uneasy.

" Longer there's no mind control spell tingling his thoughts, we'll stay vigilant." Christopher said.

" Of course, Christopher, let's begin, " Merrill smiled and spoke calmly. " Hello, Mister Earthwood, My name is Merrill Anaedaere, the elder of the Dread Wolves Tribe. It seems you are trying yourself to be in good spirits. "

" Yes, madam, " Phinehas nodded.

" Allow my fellow elven to question you, Mister Earthwood. Make sure you can answer them truthfully. Understood? "

" I will. "

" I'll be joined with my niece later on, once she's arrived, " Christopher said." She's rather late today during her hunt."

" A hunt you say? " Phinehas asked and replied, overhearing what the ranger mentioned. " I missed doing things before I became a Ravenclaw. "

" The Cult has robbed your former life and everything you held close, those aren't so far away for you to obtain again. "

" I know. You can ask me anything of what happened. I don't have any intention to return to them. "

" The left over members of Raven claw, they joined Agatha and Salem willingly? " Christopher began with one answer. " Also, it's good you chosen to rejoin us."

" Yes, they did. They are afraid of your people and your champion that you sent out, " Phinehas replied, recalling what transpired a few days ago. " There was a lady human doctor who treated me such kindness as she reminded me of my late wife, Irene, if you can still remember her. She passed away from an illness. "

" Agatha and Salem convinced of you to join their group after your beloved wife had passed? " Merrill asked.

" Yes, I did. I was doing this, because no one helped Irene to get healed. I asked for help, but I had nothing to trust to, " he sadly sighed and bowed his head. " Agatha and Salem asked me to go on vengeance against the tribe and helped me to attain such magical powers to be invisible and strong. Because of that, I gained such mighty deeds, yet I felt like I have done something wrong. "

" Drifting close to the darkness only leaves a void, it'll never fill from it's insatiable hunger, " Christopher replied." If Agatha herself was responsible she manipulated you by worsening your wife's condition."

" Yes, I made people disappear and some became injured all because of following their orders. "

" Agatha isn't one for subordination, if you tried to refuse...she's manipulative down to the core, " Christopher said." For Salem, what orders did she request for? "

" She manipulated everyone including me. Salem, on the other hand, she ordered us to bring the captives into their injury, oblivion, and disappearance or even the worst death, " Phinehas answered." They recruited a non elf person. I believe it's from the humans. "

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