Chapter 37

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[Montmartre Residence 11:36 PM, 12th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Sitting on a chair near his desk, an elderly bald Akrovian man busied himself rereading his manuscript and rephrasing his sentences and paragraphs. He underlined some of his incorrect statements and replaced them with his corrected ones. Looking at the clock, he widened his eyes and thought that he forgot to drink his medication before going to sleep. The old author heavily sighed, grabbed his glass of water, and took out a tablet of cyclosporine. He instantly drank it and stood up from his seat, heading himself to bed and lying down.

Slowly closing his eyes to sleep, he heard an eerily deep male voice ringing into his ears. The elderly man became very apprehensive and moved his head to and fro.

" Blokk..." the voice persistently called his name. " Blokk..."

" Kto ty?! (Who are you?!) " Blokk fearfully asked.

" You cannot even remember who I am, Blokk, " the deep male voice answered. " It is me, your friend, Algos. I watched your torture so many years ago in mortal terms. Yet, you escaped from your supposed fate. That is why I asked my brother Lephantis to take effect of that Umbral branding inside you to become a dreaded disease to cost your life. I have watched how you have ignored that pain; yet you have been suffering from it. "

" Ty prosto zatknesh'sya i ostavish' menya v pokoye?! (Will you just shut up and leave me alone?!) " the old man heatedly spoke at the Umbral god of pain and suffering.

" I will not leave you, Blokk. You will just die from it, not even your physician nephew or any of his mortal fellows will help you. My brother and I will just await for your eternity within the Umbral Realms. I can assure that. "

" Prosto uydi! Ukhodite! (Just go away! Go away!) "

" I will let you be, Blokk. Lephantis and I will be waiting even if you are a failed experiment..."

Algos's voice had vanished into his mind as Blokk was becoming too terrified and weeping, feeling with so much goosebumps in hearing the Umbral god. Suddenly, he heard an elderly woman's voice calling him out in Luski and caught his attention to it. He was shaking while standing and opening the door. It turned out to be his younger cousin, Karola. She looked concerned at him and waited for him to speak-up.

" Blokk, ty v poryadke? Chto proiskhodit?! (Blokk, are you alright? What's going on?!) " she asked him with a concern.

" Karola, ya tak boyus'! Umbral'nyy bog tol'ko chto govoril so mnoy! On tol'ko chto skazal, chto on i yego brat budut zhdat' menya v Tsarstvakh Teney navsegda! (Karola, I'm so scared! An Umbral god just spoke to me! He has just said that he and his brother will wait for me into the Umbral Realms for good!) " her older cousin wailed.

Karola tilted her head and became too oblivious of what her cousin had said. She found it very hard to believe and comprehend.

" Blokk, o chem ty?! YA ne slyshu nikogo iz tekh bogov, o kotorykh ty upomyanul. Vozmozhno, eto byl pobochnyy effekt vashego lekarstva. Vy sklonny gallyutsinirovat'. (Blokk, what are you talking about?! I can't hear anyone of those gods you mentioned. It might have been a side effect of your medication. You tend to hallucinate things.) " she commented.

" No pochemu ya mogu kogo-to iz nikh uslyshat'?! Skazhi mne, Karola! Mne ochen' zhal', prosto ya tak napugan! (But why am I able to hear anyone of them?! Tell me, Karola! I'm sorry it's just I am so terrified!) "

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