Chapter 45: Part 3 Candlemas Terror

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[King Frankia's Square, Monoceros Keep, 25th of Before Witching, 426 2:39 PM]

In the heart of the fortress city, the crowds had gathered to celebrate the joyous season of the year. The colorful and elegant decorations were seen on the city streets and the establishments everywhere. A giant pine tree was confidently standing as it was dressed with elegant decors and trimmings. Some people had gone to the booths, stores, and cafès.

The audience and the eventgoers spectated and listened at the white haired operatic Elandric singer who was performing on stage. Finally, she ended her song and bowed as the people applauded her.

Vavrinec, Valeera, and Talos were keeping an eye of the crowd coming and going. The other members of the Paladin Knights were at the concert of Winona Sinclair who were monitoring the scene. The Foranean police and some members of the Army kept roaming and guarding around the venue, making sure the people were safe.

Vavrinec continued to keep an observant eye on the crowd for any possible threats, " Still clear here. "

" We'd better split up for any infiltrators, " Talos reminded. " They can be anywhere in this place. "

" Aye, " Valeera nodded.

" Okay, " Vavrinec said before going to check the other areas of the concert.

Then, he spotted a little blonde girl with a pink bow tie ribbon on her head. She was wearing thick winter clothes. She was carrying a stuffed brown bear in her arms and curiously looking at him.

" Are you alright? Where are your parents at? " Vavrinec asked her with concern.

" Oui, monsieur, " she shyly nodded and pointed at them from a distance.

Just then, he spotted a blonde man in his early forties along with his wife who was talking to the first lady and the head of state. They were about to congratulate the Elandric operatic singer as the little girl curiously looked at him.

" Monsieur? " she called your attention. " Are you okay? "

" I'm fine, just focusing on my job, " Vavrinec sincerely smiled and said to the little girl before pointing twoard the blonde man and his wife. " Are those your parents? "

" Ah, oui! " she nodded. " My father is the vice president. His name is Timèo Marcreau. Then, the other man is the Foranean president, Zacharie Pasteur. "

The dark haired Syrvanian Paladin Knight got surprised and realised that a random little girl happened to be a daughter of a Foranean official. She curiously tilted her head and waited for his response. Also, he saw a dark haired Monoceros Keep mayor and his purple haired wife who hosted the event in King Frankia square.

" Your father is the vice president? Wouldn't he normally have guard protecting him and his family? " Vavrinec asked with concern.

" Ah, we have them surrounding us, " she smiled and pointed at the suited men.

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