Chapter 34

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[Room 2019, Second Floor, Monoceros Keep General Hospital,
1:30 PM, 10th of Before Witching, Year 426]

" She's so adorable! " Basil Sinclair happily carried his little newborn niece as his younger brother Crispin busied himself doing making faces. Emie was cheerfully laughing and cooing at her two uncles.

" Guys, just be careful with her, " Glenda reminded her brothers with concern. " Emie's stomach might get upset. "

" Oh, we didn't mean that! " her youngest brother nervously grinned and chuckled. " She's enjoying it! "

" Yeah, we're so happy in seeing her for the first time. Can't blame it, though! " his older brother passed the little girl to her mother.

Emie smiled and kept cooing at her mother when Glenda sighed in relief and carried her.

" So, where's Amnon though? I thought he's having a day-off today, " Crispin asked.

" He's taking a half-day work as usual, you know clinic duties? Then, he'll get to drop-by before Emie gets her newborn screening, " she nonchalantly replied. " Pierre and Marie will be here later in the evening before going home. "

" Oh, yeah. I guess we'll have a family reunion after Candlemas? " Basil suggested. " We might prepare some food for all of us. "

" I missed your cooking though, " the confined pediatrician cheerfully mused.

" Oh, come on, Glen! "

Crispin nudged his older brother and intently smirked at him. Basil heavily sighed and facepalmed as Glenda laughed at her younger male siblings.

" Glen, Cris, I have just recovered though! Oh, come on! Fine, I'll cook! " he relented which he had no choice. Then, he turned to his brother, " Cris, you should be helping me! "

" Sheesh, Basil! You don't need to tell me twice, okay? " Crispin sighed.

Suddenly, they all heard a gentle knocking on the door and turned their attention to it. Glenda moved her head at her youngest brother, implying him to open it. Crispin nodded and stood up from his seat which he moved the door knob. Amnon, who had changed his clothes, smiled at his brother-in-law in greeting and brought some food for himself and his wife.

" Hey, Bro! " Crispin happily greeted him. " Good to see you, again! "

" Bonjour, Crispin, Basil, " the blonde general practitioner greeted his younger brother-in-laws. " Glad you made before your discharge. "

" Yeah, " Basil replied and made a thumbs-up at his older brother-in-law. " Can't wait to start from scratch! Our first exploit is to see our little lovely niece!"

" Ah, merci beaucoup, " he commented and turned to his wife and daughter, kissing them. " So, Emie has enjoyingly seen her uncles while I was away? "

" Of course, they made her laugh, " Glenda sweetly smiled at her spouse and kissed him back. Emie was happily cooing at her father as Amnon tickled her feet.

" Well, I guess we'll see you again, guys," Basil stood up and brought his belongings, kissing Glenda and Emie on their cheeks. Crispin did the same thing to his sister and niece in greeting.

" Take care. We'll see you around Candlemas or after, " Glenda responded while carrying her daughter.

" Sure, Cris and I will cook something delicious! " Basil proudly assured and made a friendly fistbump to Amnon. " See ya, around, Bro! "

Amnon responded the same gesture at his brother-in-law and joked, " Just don't blow your head, again! "

" Oh, come on! "

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