Chapter 25

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[Place Loggen, Downtown Monoceros Keep, Foranea 9:30 PM 2nd of Before Witching, Year 426]

" So, are we in the hunt for the Ordrè de Damokles and the main Umbral Cult? " a blonde elven paladin knight asked her fellow who was a middle aged male Elandric human with white locks. He was wearing a grey fedora hat, a long trench coat, and a business suit underneath.

" They can be anywhere on the streets, Valeera, " the man seriously spoke. " I'm searching for that Eseran madman who has been on the loose. The joint Akrovian and Eseran police have been investigating for several months. "

" Talos, do you think he's here in Foranea? "

Talos Jones cocked his eyebrows, giving her an intriguing glare. Then, he instantly said, " Not that I am aware of. He can be everywhere. I assume he's looking for some connections: Sheeva's cult and Ordrè de Damokles. We need to be on the lookout as Father Agapov warns us. "

Valeera Graveheart nodded when the two continued walking around the semi crowded streets of this red light district. Valeera looked at the women and felt sorry for them. She realised that they were just doing some extra special services to men for their survival. One of them was a very attractive Leanan Sidhe with curly crimson locks who was smiling at the Elandric Paladin Knight dressed as a sleuth.

" Monsieur, do you require my services tonight? " she seductively enquired.

" No...Sorry, miss..." Talos blushed and nervously chuckled, showing a monochromatic picture of the male phooka. " Honestly, we're looking for Esera's most wanted criminal, named Riki Vonku. Have you seen or heard? "

" Non, I have never seen him, monsieur. Perhaps, you should coordinate with the police, " the Leanan Sidhe prostitute sweetly replied.

" We, the Paladin Knights of Foranea, do not require any cooperation with the local forces, lady. It's an official business. "

" Talos, I have united with them through the Dread Wolves Tribe, " Valeera reminded.

" Really?! What on Iliad have y'all gotten into your minds in cooperating with them?! " Talos raised his voice in suspicion.

" The raid of the Kastronov Cirucus at the Bonaparte Park, we found an Umbral named Sèvère Porcher, " she replied and pointed at the rooftops. " Talos, we will be expecting another support as well. "

" Who?! What?! Where?! Why?! How?! "

Valeera saw the metallic blue figure standing over the rooftop and exclaimed, " There, he is! "

" Seriously, a mysterious armored vigilante?! Nevermind, on it! " Talos sighed and looked at the prostitute. " Sorry, miss. We have a very important business. "

" Au revoir, monsieur..." she smiled sweetly.

Talos and Valeera followed the armored man's whereabouts and hurriedly rushed to the building. The Elven Paladin Knight looked at him.

" What?! You expect me to climb a ladder or the stairs to get him?! " he exasperatedly asked.

" No, he spotted us. Just wait..." she answered and noticed that the armored man had quickly jumped from a two storey concrete building and landed.

Talos cocked his eyebrows and crossed his arms, " Let me guess. You're the Blue Knight? "

" So, you have come along with the Lady Graveheart, I take it? Yet, this place is dangerous to remain, " the Blue Knight seriously warned.

" I believe Doctor Montmartre has told you to look after for those people in his devastated clinic, " Valeera explained, not disclosing the man's true identity." Yet, I accompanied Talos's search for the man named Riki Vonku. "

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