Chapter 20

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[Bonapartre Park, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 6:45 PM, 29th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

Neil, Tier, Shemlock, and Liere had seen the Blue Knight's arrival and confrontation. The other police officers from the cages also witnessed.

" Inspecteur, should we do something now? " Liere asked and turned to the phooka.

" Prepare to fight once the Blue Knight engage the Umbra Cultists, " the inspector answered.

" I believe the Dark Elves are terrified and some of them wanted to attack the Blue Knight, " Shemlock looked at his three companions.

" Then, this is our opportunity to engage them, " Tier said to Shemlock.

" Neil, got any weaponry to strike them? " the Aldernian detective turned to the elven journalist and asked.

" I have brought a sword with me. It's best to carry one now after the last incident at the Circus, " Neil answered and held the sword.

" Good, " Shemlock sighed in relief.

" What about you Shemlock? " Neil asked his detective friend as he was ready his sword for battle.

" Just a simple pistol and magic to summon, " he winked and held his pistol.

" Well, then, the four musketeers are going to fight! " Agatha laughed and taunted . " How brave and cunning you are! "

" Let them be..." the Blue Knight sternly spoke and pointed his sword at the three perpetratorts.

" Don't listen to her. Let's get ready to engage in battle, " Tier said to his friends.

" Are you siding with them?! " Porcher laughed. " Well then, I will not show Imuthis for now. " Then, he turned to the audience and circus stunts. " Ravenclaws, attack! "

The inspector turned into a giant bear before charging forward. Then, he started thrusting his claws at the cultists. The dark elves swarmed and hissed at the Blue Knight and the four sleuths. They jumped from the benches and rushed towards them. Some of them used their flying trapeze, unicycles, and giant balls as they got near to them. The others used the cannon as one of the dark elves instantly lifted off and readying to attack the giant bear.

" Inspecteur, Incoming! " Liere yelled and pointed at the ravenclaw.

The inspector turned around and thrusted his claw at the dark elf in a timed attack to stop him in midair. The dark elf being attacked by the phooka police officer was pinned down and bleeding. Shemlock Homes used his pistol to strike and shot the other dark elf. He fell dead as he was shot on the chest. Neil was seen struggling in fighting the dark elves who were striking them. The Blue Knight came to him and joined at the spar against the dark elves.

" Continue fighting the cultists until more reinforcements arrive! " Tier loudly shouted.

The Blue Knight and Neil kept swatting and exchanging of strikes against the Ravenclaws which they had subdued them. However, an incoming ravenclaw swinging from the trapeze laughed and ready to grab Neil anytime.

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