Chapter 47

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[Cafè de Alphonse, King Frankia's Square, Monoceros Keep, 28th of Before Witching, 426 11:29 AM]

A Rogacian woman in her late twenties with short blue locks was wearing a long sleeved sulfur blue blouse, a long dark green checkered skirt, and a pair of high-heeled boots. She was sitting with her two legs and feet together when she kept interviewing the cafè owner which she was writing his responses into her notebook and listening to his testimony. It had something to do with the Candlemas incident. The middle aged man was recalling and explaining of what happened.

" Mademoiselle, there were trenchcoated Northerners who arrived at the scene and responsible for that explosion, " he continued. " I saw the one who shot the vice president and the president. It was a woman who stood at the other building and held a rifle. "

" Did you see anyone else at the incident who was with this woman? " Gabriela asked and wrote the information down on her notepad.

" Like I said, there were trenchcoated Northerners who transformed as werewolves in broad daylight. Along with them, I saw an Eseran phooka and a Chergarian Leanan Sidhe as their accomplices, " he answered.

" Werewolves that can transform without a full moon? How is that even possible? " Gabriela asked in disbelief at what the man said.

" I don't know, mademoiselle. It's very strange to see them attacking the innocents three days ago. I have never seen anything like it. Whatever they are, I'm pretty sure that some people in authority will capture them. "

Gabriela sighed and managed to smile, eventhough she was too baffled and curious about those terrorists. She was unaware that someone was spying on her from a distance.

Gabriela nodded at the middle aged man, " Gracias (Thank you). Be safe on your way home. "

" You're welcome. You can come here anytime, mademoiselle Herrera, " he smiled back.

After the interview from one of the witnesses, she was about to go and see her colleague and friend, Neil. Suddenly, a long greyish-white haired Chergarian woman dressed in black clothes, dark sunglasses, and a trenchcoat and tailed you while walking. Gabriela looked from behind and became uneasy to see her. She had gone brisk walking towards the crowd and into the streets.

The woman in black evilly smirked and continued following her. She was able to hasten her walk and instantly grabbing the Rogacian journalist from behind. She wasn't able to resist from her arms.

" You can never escape from me, fraulein," she lowly spoke, threatening and bringing her to the alleyway. " One damn move, I will shoot you. "

" What do you want with me?! " Gabriela nervously asked as she was scared to resist.

Roodaka Adder laughed maliciously at her and tauntingly said, " So, you're planning to get a newspaper cover about the recent attack and disclosing what the Ordrè had done, ja? " Then, she changed into a serious tone, " Listen, mein Fraulein. I want you to remain silent and don't you dare to disclose everything! It's either you will be dead or being experimented for good! "

" What can merely one journalist do? I hardly even got any information! " Gabriela nervously said.

" You want information, ja oder nein? I'll show you what's going to happen! "

" My friend will know that you kidnap me and he'll find you! " Gabriela sternly warned Roodaka.

" Ja. Try it! " Roodaka smirked and snapped her fingers, casting a spell of mist which you fell asleep.

Gabriela instantly fell to the ground after being hit by Roodaka's spell of mist, slowly going to sleep. She had become very unaware that she was being kidnapped. The Chergarian Umbral cultist grinned intently and grabbed her away.

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