Chapter 21

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A part of this chapter may contain a mature scene. It may not be suitable for younger readers. Reader's descretion is strictly advised.

[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 9:50 PM, 29th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

" Tell me, Montmartre. How long is this gonna take? " the raven haired Aldernian detective nervously grinned. " Are we there yet? "

" DON'T BE SUCH A BIG BABY, HOMES! " Amnon sternly spoke and cleansed his detective friend's scars on his face and wounds on his forearms with some cotton swabs dropped caramel colored povidone iodine and alcohol. Shemlock frowned and winced in pain which he couldn't take the antiseptics cleaning his wounds. Then, the doctor applied bandages on his friend's both arms and plaster strips on his face.

Shemlock sighed in relief and instantly stood up, " Look, I must get going..."

" No! Sit! "

" Amnon, I have to give you the information about Porcher and..."

" Shemlock, sit! "

The detective exasperatedly sighed and sat down as he was being ordered like a dog. The general practitioner took out his ice pack and placed it on his friend's head with a slight bump. He widened his eyes in shock and felt chilly.


" Look, Shemlock. You were hypnotized earlier as you have blown my cover. Then, you got bamboozled by Inspecteur Sauveterre. If you didn't even listen to Monsieur Matchstick and his freakish head honcho, you would have cornered and deduced them! It's your job as Alderny's greatest detective mage! Why would I have to do your investigative nutjob on your behalf?! " Amnon furiously ranted.

Suddenly, Doctor Glenda Montmartre overheard the discourse and peeked at the doorway when the two men instantly behaved and turned their attention to her, wryly grinning.

" Are you boys okay? " she asked them with concern.

" We're fine, Glenda! " Shemlock remarked and let out a dry chuckle, making a two thumbs-up gesture. " Your husband is very good in mending me while he harshly throws a shade at me! "

" Babe, we're just having a usual angry discourse while fixing my friend, here! " Amnon interjected and also laughed, making his left hand by connecting the thumb and index into a circle, and holding the other three fingers straight or relaxed away from the palm. " Just like the old Odyssea Academy days. Right, Shemlock?! "

" That's so very elementary, my dear Montmartre! Indeed very elementary!"

Glenda understood the two, intently grinned, and replied with the same gesture as Shemlock's. Then, she looked at them and sat down at the couch. Shemlock picked up the ice pack from Amnon and held it, placing his lump on his head. The general practitioner sat beside his pregnant pediatrician wife.

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