Chapter 30

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[Moreau Residence, Place Loggen, Monoceros Keep, 10:39 PM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

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[Moreau Residence, Place Loggen, Monoceros Keep, 10:39 PM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Ilona spent almost 24 hours from the time she got abducted by a flying Aldernian tiefling. She was tied up and locked inside the room. She barely ate or drank, but not that satisfying. She remained silent as her mouth had been covered up by a cloth. She heard laughter and conversation in Chergarian from the outside, finding it hard to understand since she could only communicate in Neo-Ydrassi, Palgish, and Franken.

Just then, she heard a deep male voice with a different accent from anyone else. He halted his companions and asked them to unlock and open the door. The door was opened, revealing an elderly man with greying hair. He had a cigarette on his mouth and puffing. His clothes were splattered in crimson. He walked over to her and removed her mouth covering.

" So, you must be mademoiselle Ilona Jørgensen, " the Foranean man politely spoke and smiled. " Bonsoir, to you, then. "

" Get away from me! " Ilona furiously said to the Foranean man.

" Get away?! Why would I get away from you, mademoiselle? " he puffed and gave her a loud hardy laugh. " I presume you have heard so many rumours from your fellow medical staff about me. I am the ripper from the Umbral cult. I used to abduct and slaughter students, patients, and even random people in Foranea and Alderny for the past decade. You will be my next offering to the gods once I have finished my project to the Pale Mother herself! " The mad doctor evilly grinned and released his scalpel, pointing at her. " It would be very satisfying wonderful to see the hospital in shambles! "

" Monstre dégoûtant! (Disgusting monster!) " Ilona emotionally shouted before spitting at the Foranean man's face.

Doctor Teridax Moreau's face and cigarette got splattered by the Palgish nurse's saliva. He threw his nicotine stick down and sternly frowned. Then, he removed his glasses, gently wiped his face with his handkerchief, and returned his glasses back to his face.

" You are just like your pitiful uncle and aunt, mademoiselle. Your family was once allied with the Chergarian politicians from your country. They supported the attack against Robania around eleven years ago, " Moreau continued. " However some of few you had cut ties from my superiors. Your uncle is a damned traitor! My boss, Senator Neforie has them now! You can never save your family or anyone else! Foranea will be part of the Sovereign Empire once Neforie becomes a president! The Chergarians will take over this nation! "

" My family is large with influence! You're literally declaring war on a powerful family! " she angrily said.

" Ah, why don't you raise this to monsieur Neforie himself?! Besides, you're not just the only ones who are targeted, " he replied and showed a newspaper article of Amnon's clinic. " Madame Sheeva and I plotted this hostage crisis of that Odyssea Academy alumnus's establishment. We are looking for the late Senateur Montmartre's brat himself. I understand you are working with him in the hospital currently. That young mage is considered as a threat to the Ordrè and the main cult! "

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