Chapter 12

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 9:12 AM, 24th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 9:12 AM,
24th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

As Amnon and Glenda checked on Nirvana in the living room, they didn't expect the telephone loudly rang and echoed the whole place. The general practitioner looked at his pregnant wife and in house guest-patient, implying that he would answer the phone. The two ladies nodded back at him as he left and picked it up from the side table.

" Bonjour, c'est la résidence Montmartre. Puis-je savoir qui est-ce? (Good morning, this is Montmartre residence. May I know who's this?)" he politely asked.

" Good morning, I am looking for Doctor Montmartre, " a deep male voice with a refined Aldernian accent replied in Neo-Ydrassi.

" Infact, there are two Doctors Montmartre in this household. May I know who's this? " Amnon said and raised his eyebrows.

" It's Shemlock Homes. "

" Shemlock?!

" Yea, it's been a while, Amnon, " Shemlock happily grinned.

" We have just met back in the precint a few days ago. Is this something to do with my clinic's crisis? " he queried.

" Spot on, " the Aldernian detective replied. " I was there observing your interrogation with Sauveterre. "

" Right, are there any developments of that incident? "

" For starters, there was an Umbral involvement who intruded and bantered you, your staff, and patients, " Shemlock explained. " You will be surprised to hear that a dwarven barber has given some pertinent information. "

Amnon intriguedly cocked his eyebrows and listened carefully to his fellow Odyssea Academy alumnus friend. He scratched his chin and deeply thought.

" Azazel Barbier, he's Dr. Amélie Rousseau's patient, " he replied and remembered the dwarven man from his clinic. " Did he spill the beans and talk very fast about his infirmity? "

" Yes and No. He gave us your suspect's name: Henri Dupont. Have you heard of this guy before? "

Amnon frowned and held his phone's handset, becoming oblivious. He remained silent and composed his thoughts, thinking that clinic's hostage taker could be his father's murderers. Shemlock noticed of his friend's dead air moment which it took seconds and minutes.

" This is Iliad to Dr. Amnon Joseph Danilovsky-Montmartre! Can you hear me, Doctor Montmartre?! " he loudly called out, making Amnon's ears tingling.

" Oh pour l'amour de Photis, Shemlock! (Oh for Photis's sakes, Shemlock!) " Amnon angrily exclaimed, became annoyed at his best friend, and asked. " Is that man, Dupont, one of those who plotted my father's death? "

" Not really, " Shemlock answered. " He's just a hostage taker, but Sauveterre and I needed more time to investigate of Dupont's connections to the Umbral Cult. "

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