Chapter 31

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[Centre de congrès Monoceros Keep: 7:00 PM, 7th of Before Witching, Year 426]

The venue was very elegant which the invited ones were wearing gowns and formal suits. Ivo came along with the Montmartres in his disguise. He, Amnon, and Glenda entered the ball and ended up on a sea of crowd.

There was a loud jazz music being played in the area. There were waiters, waitresses, musicians, and caterers coming and going. The elderly Foranean politician and his son, the Itnas, and the others gathered around and mingled with the partygoers. The place was very spacious to accomodate the entire crowd. The bright lights were welcoming and making the venue very lively.

" I assume we must observe for suspicious activity? " Ivo quietly asked Amnon.

" Oui, Aucune activité au sol. (Yes, peaceful.) " Amnon lowly spoke in geology codes in Franken.

" Amnon, Glenda, you're also here! " Odette happily greeted the spouses which she and her companions approached them.

Ivo walked around to explore the ball and to blend in with his disguise. He mingled along with some people and conversed in Franken.

" Yeah, it's good to see you three coming as well, " the pregnant pediatrician smiled warmly at them.

" Glenda, who's the other guy? " Wilma asked and looked at the elderly ginger haired man in a formal suit from a few distance.

" Oh, this is our long time family friend, Doctor Ezekiel La Farceuse. Uncle Èze, this is my cousin, Dr. Wilma Sinclair-Durand, her wife Odette and our friend Sonia Witwickens, " she introduced as the Chergarian man in disguise walked over to them.

Sonia sweetly smiled at the ginger haired elderly man and asked Amnon, " A friend of your late father's? "

" Oui, " Amnon smiled back at Sonia and nodded.

" Bonsoir, c'est un plaisir de vous recontrer, mesdames (It's a pleasure to meet you, ladies.) " Ivo said in Franken as he hold his hand for Wilma to shake.

" Enchantè, Docteur La Farceuse. (It's nice to meet you, Dr. La Farceuse.)" the white haired oncologist shook hands with the elderly man. " Je suppose que vous venez d'un professeur. Quel champ? (I assume you're a professor. What field?) "

" Géologie. C'est un domaine scientifique assez étonnant mais fascinant de faire partie de (Geology. It's quite an amazing yet fascinating scientific field to be part of). " Ivo answered Wilma in Franken.

" Vous êtes alors géologue. Je ne savais pas que Jean Meir s'intéressait aussi à la science en dehors de la politique et de la société. Mon Dieu, vous êtes peut-être un grand contributeur, La Farceuse. (You're a geologist then. I didn't know Jean Meir was also interested in science aside from politics and society. My, you may be a great contributor, La Farceuse.) " Odette sweetly smiled.

" Êtes-vous célibataire ou marié, monsieur? (Are you single or married, sir?) " Sonia asked and intently eyed at Ivo.

Ivo noticed Amnon and Glenda gave him a subtle hint by grinning. They would simply imply him, 'Just play along.'

" Tonton Èze, Je pense que notre ami t'aime bien. (I think our friend likes you.), " Amnon teased Ivo and looked at Sonia who was softly laughing and blushing.

Ivo embarrassingly laughed before speaking. " Eh, célibataire! Peut-être qu'un jour je rencomtrerai une gentille dame! (Eh, single! Perhaps one day I'll meet a kind lady!) "

" C'est agréable de rencontrer un intellectuel comme vous. (It's nice to meet an intellectual like you.) " the raven haired Elandric widow smiled and commented.

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