Chapter 43

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[Montmartre Residence: 19th of Before Witching, Year 426: 8:25 PM]

Ivo and Amnon had arrived from work and combat which Glenda opened the door and carried Little Emie on her arms. The Akrovian-Foranean physician gently pecked his wife's lips and his daughter's forehead. Suddenly, they all heard a commotion at the backyard.

" Glen, what's going on there? " Amnon asked.

" Shemlock and his visitor are making some lab experiments at the backyard. I told them not to do indoors since we have a baby and two elderly people. Pierre also came along with them, " Glenda answered.

" Quoi?! Kakye?! (What?!)  At this time of the night?! "

" Why don't you guys have a look. They're making a compound or a mixture. "

“ Who's the visitor? ” Ivo curiously asked.

" Her name is Teal Nightfall. She's from Alderny, " Glenda replied.

Amnon nodded at his wife and gestured his older brother to go to the backyard. Reaching the place, they saw the three people doing an explosive mixture. The Aldernian detective and his companions were wearing some safety gear and gesturing to stay away from the test subject as it exploded.


Amnon and Ivo quickly stepped back and waited for the smoke and fog to be cleared out. Pierre took out a water hose and turned it on as he watered the area.

Moments later, a purple haired lady in her late twenties removed her goggles, revealed her pair blue irises in her eyes, and face mask happily grinned and exclaimed. " Eureka, we did it, mate! "

Shemlock and Pierre wrote their observations as Amnon and Ivo headed to the backyard since it's cleared from the smoke and explosion.

“ Shemlock, what’s going on here? ” Ivo curiously asked as he saw the explosion.

" Hello, there. We are just doing a hypothetical experiment which we are enacting the explosions in Martinnois, Maçon, and Saint-Rose, " Shemlock answered.

" More like we're making some theories if how the Umbrals did it, " Pierre added.

" Part of your incident report and documentation, mon frère? "  Amnon asked.

" Oui. "

" It could be a Umbral ritual or a alchemical explosion. Have you thought of getting assistance from Mack on this? ” Ivo suggested.

" I think he will be coming as well. I met the guy. He will be coming, " the purple haired woman replied. " My name's Teal Nightfall, mate. "

" I’m Ivo Matthias Augustin-Fischer. It’s nice to meet you, Teal. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner, ” he said to the chemist.

" It's okay. Nice to meet you, " Teal nodded and smiled, turning to Amnon. " You must be Doctor Montmartre? "

" Oui, yours truly, mademoiselle. " he answered.

Just then, a young brunette Aldernian alchemist arrived and panted. " Teal, how is it? "

" Hullo, Mack! Your suggestion worked! "

" It did? "

" Aye! Brilliant! "

“ Did you find anything from doing these experiments? ” Ivo asked.

" Well, I asked Teal, Mr. Homes, and Captain Montmartre to do a re-enactment just this morning over the telephone, " Mack replied and read the notes. " They came up with a mixture of nitroglycerine, methane, and sulfur gas for the explosion. "

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