~Chapter One~

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Narrator's POV


5 years.

5 years of the same old boring routine.

Wake up, prepare the coffee and the breakfast, watch her husband eat while he reads the daily newspaper.

Then within ten minutes, disappear out into the world dressed in the same suit with the same breifcase, which she religously prepared every night for his following work day, without as much as a goodbye nor a kiss upon his wife's cheek.

Return home, prepare a meal for dinner and watch her husband eat and pay more attention to his phone over her.

Simple hums in response to her every attempt at conversation, feeling her gut churn as she watches through the reflection of his glasses as he "discreetly" scrolls through his many dating apps.

Gawking at pictures of women younger than her, prettier than her, more petite than her... thinking she never saw.

Women who doesn't have the love handles that she does.

Woman who doesn't have celulite like she does.

Woman who are the total complete opposite compared to the woman he gave sacred vows to.

Whom he promised to love and cherish for the rest of their eternity.

Those women who got his attention through a phone screen got more from him than what she ever did in 5 years.

Rosalie watched her husband Garrett slowly turn away from their marriage. Her heart hurt within her chest more and more each and every night, as she slept so near, yet so far, in a bed next to the man who she wanted to hold and comfort her.

To love her, just like he promised from the start.

But no. To no avail, she was stuck in the same boring old routine, that she had been dying for some sort of light to shine upon again.

"So I was thinking, maybe we could go out to dinner tonight? Just you and I? We haven't had a night to ourselves for some time." Rosalie proposed the idea to Garrett, who's eyebrows furrowed in clear annoyance.

"Didn't we do that last week, dear? You know we are trying to budget out finances better." He grumbled, taking a bite of his toast that he hadn't bothered to touch in over 15 minutes.

"Try 6 months." She muttered under her breath, feeling regected once again as she moved to the sink to clear up the dishes.

She felt more like a maid to him than she did his wife.

"What did you say, dear?" He asked with an uninterested tone, dropping his paper onto the dining table and stood to gather his belongings that he needed to proceed with his day.

"Nothing. Have a good day at work." Rosalie put on a forced smile and kissed Garrett's cheek, who seemed to disaknowledge his wife's attempt of affection and headed out towards the door.

"I'll be home late again tonight, got a few last minute meetings that have been pushed forward to today. I think the guys and I are going to head out to the bar after work for a while. I'll see you soon."

And with that, the door slammed shut, leaving an echo in the empty house.

Rosalie thought by this time in her marriage, her days would be filled with some children's cries and laughter, toys scattered all over the floor, baby clothes and blankets to organise, everything she dreamed of at that moment, but no.

All she was left to, like any other day, was another repeat of an empty house and an empty heart.

Before her emotions had the chance to overwhelm her, the small buzzing sound from her phone which laid on the table attracted her attention, to find her best friend Kiara calling.

Her thumb found the green button and answered the call. As soon as she pressed the phone to her ear, she had to retract, as the loud squeal was too much for the eardrums to handle.

"It's the weekend babyyyy. Let's get fucked up!" Kiara burst out in excitement, making Rosalie's eyes roll, but it did manage to put the first real smile of the day onto her face.

"Kiara, you do realise it's merely 8am. Have you been drinking already?" She chuckled, letting her body plop down onto the plush white sofa, grabbing one of the many magazines piled that she used to fill up the majority of her time.

"Do you realise I call every Friday at the same time with the same question? Girl, you need a night out."

She was right, Rosalie knew she was right, but she didn't want to admit defeat that she never had anything else other than to wait at her husband's every beck and call, not that there was many.

"I'm making dinner for Garrett and I tonight." She lied through her teeth, wishing that one day her words would be true.

It was partly true. She would make dinner, but only for a party of one.

"So are we going to pretend you're making plans to sit on your own, once again, on a Friday night, waiting for that bitch ass husband of yours to actually pay you some attention?"

There was a pregnant pause, and before Rosalie could use the window to give her response, she was cut short.

"No. I refuse to let you spend yet another weekend giving yourself false hope. I love you Ro, but I'm no longer keeping my mouth shut to, and about that son of a bitch."

This was the typical response. Kiara knew it, and worst of all, Rosalie knew it to.

"I just don't know where it all went wrong Kiki. He hardly even knew I was in the room. He didn't even look at me once! I thought to make us dinner at home for our anniversary tonight, and he didn't even remember." Her sob broke out as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Not today, bitch. Don't you dare sit there and cry over that stupid excuse of a man. I'll be over in 15 minutes to pick you up. This is the anniversary of celebrating YOU. Get your ass ready, love you."

Kiara made her point and gave her no room to decline as she had ended the call, not before rattling her keys to the speaker, indicating she was on her way.

"Love you too, you moron." Rosalie smiled softly, shaking her head at her best friend. She was glad she had someone like Kiara in her life.

After Kiara's quick pep talk, Rosalie quickly rushed to wash her face clear from tear stains and hurriedly prepped her face with some light makeup, before slipping on her shoes and grabbing her purse.

Rosalie locked up the house and stood for no longer than 4 minutes before Kiara rolled up in her pink Mini and blared the horn.

She rolled down the window and wolf whistled, sliding her sunglasses down her nose slightly as she sent a playfull wink to Rosalie.

"Hey mama, how you doin'?"

She used the famous ' Joey ' line from Friends, making Rosalie burst into a fit of laughter.

"Drive, you idiot." Rosalie chuckled and slipped her seatbelt into place before the pair ventured off into town.

"We're going big tonight. Just you wait."

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