~Chapter Fifty~

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Narrator's POV


It was finally time.

Rosalie was returning to work.

As Drew had turned six and a half months old, Rosalie had made the dreaded call into the Precinct to resume her Detective work, only, she was having trouble saying goodbye for the day to her Son.

"You remembered to put the formula in didn't you? And his blanket, the blue bear one, and his- giraffe stuffie, and the ointments, yes honey, I remembered to put them in the bag last night."

Christian chuckled as he drove along the roads, grabbing onto Rosalie's leg to gently stop it from bouncing due to her anxiety about leaving Drew for the first time since he was born.

"Hey, whether you know it or not, I'm just as nervous about leaving him too, but he will be absoloutely fine with my Mom, Dale is going to pick him up around lunch to take him out for the day. And you won't need to worry about a single thing. Everything is covered."

Rosalie let out a sigh, and looked over to Christian, receiving a reassuring smile as they pulled up into the driveway.

"My baby! Oh hi handsome little man!" Carol shouted excitedly, as she rushed from the doorstep over to the car, pulling open the door to where Drew sat.

"For a moment, I thought you were talking to me there." Christian scoffed sarcastically, making Carol chuckle and turn to hug him.

"You know you're still my baby boy... but I gotta admit, my Grandson is cuter than you were." Christian rolled his eyes and unclipped Drew from his seat to pick him up, as Rosalie grabbed his bag and followed Christian and Carol inside the house.

"Everything he may need is in his bag. I think he has began teething, so if he becomes restless, his teething rattle is in the back pocket. And- Rosalie, darling."

Carol gently cut Rosalie off and held her arm. "I was once in your postion, twice, in fact. I know you are nervous about leaving Drew for the first time, but rest assured, he will be in great hands until you get back from work."

Rosalie let out a deep breath and nodded, receiving a hug from Carol. "I'm sorry. I know he's in great care. I think I'm more nervous about leaving him, than what I am over going back to work."

Carol chuckled wholeheartedly and rubbed Rosalie's shoulder. "You will be back before you know it."

Christian smiled towards Carol, mouthing the words, 'thank you', receiving a wink back in response.

"Well, we should get going. Not too much of a big day, Rosalie is just starting off at the Precinct base today." Christian informed Carol, resting a hand on Rosalie's waist.

"Going back to work after having a baby, is the biggest step you're going to take for yourself. Be proud, Rosalie. We'll be waiting here until you get back."

After another hug and kiss from Rosalie to Drew, Christian managed to get her to walk back to the car, waving to Carol before they drove off.

"Rose, Darling. He will be absolutely fine. A few hours down at the Precinct to close up some case files, is all you need to do today." Christian spoke as he rested his hand on her thigh, rubbing his thumb softly over the fabric of her black jeans.

"I know, I know. I just need to focus on my cases and I'll be good to go." Rosalie nodded to convince herself that everything would be okay.

After a short twenty minute drive to the Precinct, Rosalie and Christian made their way inside, greeted by all of their co-workers.

"Rosalie! You're back!" Out of nowhere, Rosalie was attacked with a bear hug, chuckling when she realised who it was. "Nice to see you too, Claire."

"Hey Christian. How have you been? Girl, you look amazing!" Claire gushed, making Rosalie smile and pull back. 

"I've been good. I just gotta get back into my routine. Is my Dad in today?"

Claire nodded and pointed to Robert's office, where there was a clear view of Robert sorting through a filing drawer.

Rosalie thanked Claire, promising to catch up later, before making her way to the office.

"Hey old man." Rosalie smiled as she knocked on the door, walking into the office to greet her Father.

"Hey kiddo. How's my favourite girl doing?" Robert smiled widely and embraced Rosalie in a warm hug.

"I'm getting there. It just feels weird being away from Drew." She admitted with a sigh, a down feeling suddenly overwhelming her.

"Hey.. hey." Robert cooed softly, rubbing Rosalie's back to comfort her. "Drew will be just fine with Carol. She's good with him. I've picked out a few files for you to sort, just to ease you back into things. Nothing major. It was just to save you time going through your cabinet. Claire and Michael kept on top of the other cases while you were on leave."

Rosalie sighed in relief, feeling better that not all of her work was piling up whilst she was away.

"Thanks, Dad. I'll get on today's file right away."

Rosalie parted ways and made her way to her desk, leaving Christian to talk with Robert.

"How is she doing?"

Christian sighs and looks out of the window to where Rosalie was. 

"She's alright. I can tell it's getting to her not being with Drew, but I think once she gets into the swing of things, she'll be able to rest her mind a little more."

Robert gave a sympathetic smile and patted Christian's back. "And what about you?"

Christian turned back to him with a confused face.

"I know Rosalie will probably struggle more, but I know it can't be easy for you either."

Christian sighed in defeat and sat down at Robert's desk. "I miss him a lot. We've been gone no longer than an hour and I'm already feeling like I'm forgetting the sound of him screaming the place down."

Robert chuckles lightly and sets a mug of hot coffee down to Christian, sitting down in his chair.

"You'll get days where you're confident in leaving him for the day, needing a little time to reset. Some days, you'll just want to spend every second of every hour with him. Even though it may not seem like it now, work is the best distraction. Especially in this type of job."

Christian nodded in understanding and sipped on the coffee.

"Now, down to business. Only if you are down, there is a case I could use your expertise on. Shettlestone. There was a gang attack on Tuesday. Forensics are at the scene as we speak, so there's no need for you to do a further investigation. Although, we still haven't been able to find out who did it."

Robert laid out two files in front of Christian, one stating names of a gang called South Riders, and another called WBL.

"WBL?" Christian asked, and Robert half scoffed. "West Boys For Life. Worst name there could be, right?" 

Christian chuckled and skimmed through the file, recognising a few of the names on the list of suspects.

"Renolds. Sounds familiar."

"Evan Renolds. He got booked last year for a DUI. I'm sure it was you who brought him in." Robert spoke up, and pulled up his profile on the database.

"Third offence? He's fucked." Christian shook his head. "Is there a warrant out for his arrest yet?"

Robert nodded to confirm. "The warrant was issued at the beginning of the week. Yet he's been in hiding ever since. The last sighting we got was on the 7th."

Christian raised his brow and looked at the file once more.

"Well, it seems, I've got a job to do today after all."

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