~Chapter Ten~

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Christian's POV


It had been 4 hours since I politely got woken up.

Although loosing 4 hours of sleep isn't helping with the current workload sat in front of me, hearing what I did not too long ago, made it a little more toleratable.

Before I could even loose the head on whoever had called me, not bothering to check the ID on my phone, the sweet sinful sounds that greeted me, was more than enough to loose sleep over.

Maybe it was intrusive.

Maybe I should have respected her privacy a little more, knowing well she must have not meant to call at such an hour.

But the burning desire that I had for this woman, would just simply not let me disconnect that line.

The second I heard my name leave her lips was like my own personal erotic audio to listen to. I just wanted it on replay, every hour of the day.

Snapping from my thoughts, I let out a groan as I try to adjust my pants before stepping out of my car, walking into Robert's building.

I greeted the workers as I passed, sharing smiles and waves as I made my way to the elevator.

Just as I pressed the button to select the floor, and the steel doors had began to close, a small dainty hand had shot out through the gap.

"Sorry, I- oh. Good morning, Christian. I didn't see you there."

Well it is a very good morning indeed.

"Morning, Amore. You look very bright today, sleep well?" I couldn't hide my smirk, even if I tried.

The rising blush on her cheeks were too much to give away.

"I-it was okay, thank you. Um, and you?" She asked, tucking her hair behind her ear as she tried to avoid my gaze.

"Best sleep I've had in a while to be honest." I admit, looking ahead at the elevator doors as I pressed the button once again.

"Glad to hear it." She responded, looking anywhere other than my direction.

I inwardly chuckle, noticing her body language, she was stiff as a board, the tenseness was giving.

"Are you okay? You look a little tense there." I give her a side-gaze, noticing how she lowered her head to hide off her heated cheeks.

"Yeah.. just slept a little funny last night." She cleared her throat and took the first step out of the elevator as the doors sprung open.

She walked away with a speed that said she needed out of our enclosure. And fully knowing the reason why, had my smirking lips growing.

Looking around, I noticed Rosalie and I were the first in the office.

Reminding myself to earlier events, I came to the conclusion that maybe it was so rudely of me to leave her hanging dry.

Although that was the fun part. Very fun for me.

Looking at my watch, I noticed I was a lot earlier than usual, almost a full hour. Which I found strange as Rosalie had been here too.

An idea came to mind that had my feet wandering to Rosalie's office. I tapped a single knuckle on the door, to alert her of my presence.

"Actually there was one thing.. I wanted to ask you."

She looked up from her desk, her doey eyes staring into my soul, her hair flowing over one of her shoulders, her neck openly inviting me in.

"I received a call from you last night. Did you need something?" I asked, taking a step forward as the door fell closed automatically behind me, watching as she took a sharp breath, her eyes hinting a little panic.

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