~Chapter Thirteen~

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Narrator's POV


As the sun rose to signal the beginning of a new day, Rosalie stretched in her sleep, snuggling closer into the warmth of the sheets that surrounded her. While her cheek rested upon something soft, she began to return to her consciousness, hearing something rythmatically.. beating?

She shot up like a spring, taking in her surroundings as she came to terms with the pillow she had thought she was resting on, was indeed Christian's muscular chest.

Before she could let her brain go into panic, her eyes caught onto something.

A mark, starting from Christian's left shoulder, forming a line to his right hipbone.

Her eyes widened in horror, her hand mindlessly reached out to trace the scar with her fingertips, but before she could gain contact, a hand shot up, and her body was found trap underneath Christian's.

As their eyes met, she saw the scared look in his, his jaw clenched tightly, his breathing heavy and eratic.


One single word left his mouth before he regained his senses, releasing her wrist as he pulled his body away, standing off from the bed to walk into the bathroom.

She didn't remember have ever seeing the scar imprinted on his chest before now. Never had she seen him look and act so fierce, so... angry,

She didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, nor did she want to start the day on the wrong foot so she stood up and opened the cracked door. As she began to speak, what her eyes saw, paused her in tracks.

What looked to be over thirty small scars covered the skin of Christian's back came into her sights.

"Christian..." Her voice came out so quiet, she questioned herself if she ever said it at all.

His head lowered, his hands gripped onto the edges of the stone sink so hard, turning his knucles white. If it wasn't for second judgement, Rosalie believed that if he gripped any harder, that he might've actually broke the seam.

"Don't, Rosalie." His voice was quiet, a tear threatening to fall from his eye. He felt Rosalie's hands touch the skin of his lower back, the only parts that were scar-free. He slowly turned around to face her, coming to view with her tear-stained cheeks.

"W-who did this to you?" She whispered out in a sob, her eyes frantically tracing the scar across his toned chest.

"It doesn't matter." He mumbled quietly, grabbing her hands into his own, rubbing his thumbs over the tops of her hands.

"It doesn't matter? Of course it matters, Christian! Someone hurt you! Someone- they- they- shhh." Christian cooed softly, cupping his hand at one side of Rosalie's neck, pulling her to his chest.

His lips carressed the skin of her hairline, as he ran his fingers through her hair, breathing in her scent that he missed dearly.

"I'm okay. Still in one piece. There's no need to be upset, Amore." His voice calmed her, defeaning her worries as she braced the moment.

"Who did this, Christian?" She asked again, almost demanding answers. He just gave her a one-sided smile, stroking his thumb over her smooth cheek.

"About 7 years ago.. not long after we had um.. seperated, my Father and I- Your Father did this?" Rosalie's eyes widened, as Christian couldn't help but smile at her frantic self.

His heart raced, seeing how worried she was about him, knowing she still cared, it gave him hope.

"We got into a little difficulty. This year's fuck up with his company wasn't the first my witty Brother had fucked up with Father's plans. And because I wouldn't step up to the plate, I paid the price. He has never been the remorseful type, he didn't care about his family or anything, except that if his bank was full and a hooker on either arm. So because I refused to pay off my Brother's debt, as he didn't want to waste his money on something he called 'unbeneficial' to him, I got caught in the crossfire."

After his explanation, Rosalie felt a pain strike in her chest, wishing she could take his away. She looked into his eyes, a familiar feeling washing over her as he stared into her soul, his hand giving her all the comfort she needed.

Both their eyes glanced at each other's lips, the moment too raw to loose, so taking it while they had it, Christian had softly pressed his lips to hers, savouring the moment before Rosalie wanted more.

The eagerness was just too much to bare before Christian had his hands wrapped around Rosalie's thighs, hoisting her body up onto the counter, where her legs wrapped around his waist, bringing his body in closer to hers.

He gripped her thighs, pulling her tightly against him, having her ass settle right just before the edge, gripping and squeezing at her flesh. Their lips moulded together in desperate need, almost as if they needed each others oxygen to breath.

"My sweet Rose." He whispered like it was a prayer, as he parted from her lips, immediately finding her neck as he continued to press bruising kisses down her throat, inhlaling her scent like she was his prey.

Her eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth gaped as her fingers rolled up the back of Christian's neck, tangling in his soft thick hair.

"Christian.." His name rolled off her tongue in a breathy moan, a gasp in surpise following when Christian looped her legs around his waist tighter in order to lift her up into his built arms.

He kissed her roughly, his hands keeping a tight grip on Rosalie's thighs as he walked them both back out of the bathroom.

He let his feet blindly walk to the bed that they shared the previous night, when he felt his foot hit the maroon wooden frame, he balanced himself with his left knee, carrying both himself and Rosalie halfway up the mattress below them, dropping her body in the centre.

No more words were exchanged as Christian took lead, pressing open mouthed kissed down her chest and between her breasts where her nightdown exposed a very small area of her to his eyes.

But this wasn't enough. He needed more of her.

All of her.

His hands discreetly grabbed onto the top of the nightdress once his lips were back on hers for a disraction, before he ripped the material in half, making her jump in fright.

"What are you- Christian I only have one of these with me!" She groaned in displeasement, whereas Christian just showed off his famous smirk and threw the destroyed silk onto the floor.

"It's not like you are gonna need them for the next few days." He chuckled. It wasn't until he had looked down, did he then realise she was bare underneath.

"That isn't my point! You can't just..." Christian just hummed while she talked, pretending to listen to her complaint about the ruined gown, decending further down her body while she was distracted in her own rant, lifting one of her legs over his shoulders.

She kept talking, but was quickly cut off with one of her deep moans, looking down to find Christian drawing a bold line with his tongue along the length of her slit.

"What were you saying, Amore?" He asked cockily, letting his lips form a suction around her clit, tearing the breath from her lungs.

"Just shut up." She gasped as her head flung back in pleasure. "As you wish, Detective." He hummed seductively, cupping his hands under the bend of her knees, holding them back as he devoured every inch of her.

Her fingers found themselves tangled in his hair, using it for leverage as she grinded her hips against him. With a few more teasing licks and kisses, he stopped before he could let her build up any tension.

And before she could complain, she squealed as he gripped one of her thighs and flipped her onto her stomach, pulling her hips up so she was forced onto her knees.

"Christian, please..." She whimpered needily, pressing back into him, finding his hand with her own as his roamed her body freely.

"Patience, Amore." He warned, slipping his briefs down with one hand before positioning himself to her dripping heat.

"Good things come to those who wait." He leaned down on her back, nipping her ear gently with his teeth, drawing out a whimper from her, whispering ever so quietly into her ear.

"You can be my good girl, can't you?"

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