~Chapter Forty Seven~

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Narrator's POV


"Thank you for agreeing to meet me, Christian. It really means more than you know."

Christian had to force himself to not roll his eyes at Carol's words, instead opting for a simple head nod in response, sitting down in the cafe booth, pressing his tongue against his cheek, not wanting his thoughts to accidentally slip out too early to ruin it.

"Well, I'm here. I don't know why, I've pretty much said my piece."

Way to not lay it on thick, Dimwit.

"I know that this is probably the last thing you want to do today, or any other day, but I owe it to you to give you the truth."

Did he want the truth? Yes.

Did he really want to hear it, even after all these years? Not exactly, but I'm here now.. may as well get it over with.

Christian looked up to his Mother for the first time since he sat down and rest his hands on his lap.

"Your Father and I... we haven't always had the best relationship over the years. He was the first man I learned to love, and when you and Dale came along, it was... like a fairytail."

Christian scoff at her words, and look out of the window.

"I don't see how black and blue bruises on the daily, is a fairytail to you."

Her eyes lowered, with a guilt filled look upon her face.

"I.. I tried to protect you, both of you. When you were younger, I made sure my boys were safe, I tried every day. Half of the things that happened to you boys, I hadn't even knew up until recently... Dale told me everything."

Christian's eyes spring immediately onto Carol's face, his heart beating like a running train in his chest, he was convinced it was about to pop any second.

"H-he.." Christian couldn't even get his words out, as she nodded to confirm.

Christian's breath evacuated his body as he leaned on the table, settling his head between his hands.

She never knew.

"If I-" Christian heard a sob break through her words, catching his attention as he look up to her tear-filled face, her hands reaching for his own.

"If I had known... I hope you believe, I would have done anything, anything, to protect you. I failed you as your Mother. And trust me when I say, I am sick to my stomach with myself for not knowing any sooner."

Her hands squeezed onto Christian's oh so tightly, and in that moment, he was just a boy, who needed his Mother's love and protection.

After a short moment of silence, Carol gave a teary-eyed smile and patted Christian's hands.

"I want to show you something. Will you come with me?"

Without a word, Christian stood and offered his hand to Carol, feeling a new sense of reconnection with the one person he wished to have since he was a little boy.

The pair made their way to Christian's car, and she leaned over to the dashboard to input a location on the navigator that Christian didn't recognise.

"There's someone I want you to meet."


The cobble rocks ruckled beneath their feet as the walked along a stonepath that lead into a small yard.

There were headstones neatly lined up, rows just continued to lead on forever, until Carol stopped by a particular one on the hilltop, Lillies decorating the stone.

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