~Chapter Thirty Three~

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Rosalie's POV


I couldn't believe him.

After everything, after all I have done for him, he still thought to turn the blame to me.

How could he?

I drove for hours. I didn't know where I had drove to until I had found myself stood in front of my Mother's grave.

The night sky slowly faded through the clouds, the stars seemed to shine a little brighter tonight.

With a deep breath, I sat down on the cold ground, criss-crossing my legs. My eyes began to water as the traced over the gold engraving of my Mother's name.

Evelyn Rose (Hudson) Dawson
Loving Daughter, Mother, And Wife

My Mother had told me not long before she died, the reason of my name was from my Grandfather.

He always wanted to call my Mother, Rosie. Although Grandma Dawson had her heart set in her own ways.

I smiled at the memory of my Mother telling me how they had argued for three days up until they left the hospital, only then did my Grandfather cave in, only to settle with the alternative middle name.

Although I think the face he had when my Mother revealed their Grandaughter's name, had been like it was a gift for him.

I missed them.. all of them.

"I don't know what to do, Mom."

Sighing, I lay my head in my palms. Everything was becoming too much.

"I wish you were here. You always knew the right things to say... to do. I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

A sob racked in my chest, and my fingers pulled at the roots of my hair in frustration.

My eyes fell to my stomach, and my hand mindlessly rubbed over the flat skin that was soon to grow.

It still hadn't settled in. Although, I knew, it was time to step up. Part of me had been ignoring the facts, soon enough, I would start showing. Soon enough, reality was going to kick in.

Part of me still wasn't ready.

"I don't know if I can do this, Mom. I'm scared. How am I meant to be a good Mother, if I don't know the first thing about what that is?"

As a raindrop hits my cheek, I look up to the sky, seeing the deep grey clouds had covered the blues.

"You're going to be an amazing Mother, Amore."

My eyes snapped over, spotting Christian a few feet away.

"C-Christian? What are you doing here?" I looked around him, realising he must've walked here, making my eyes shot wide open.

"Don't worry, I didn't walk. Rob is waiting at the gate entrance in the car. He thought you'd be here."

Silence fell between us. Relief fell over me knowing he didn't exert himself to get here, although I wasn't quite sure how he figured out where I was.

"You had me worried, Rose. I thought something had happened to you when you hadn't picked up our calls."

The scared tone in his voice was enough for me to believe him. I pull my phone from my back pocket, seeing over fifty missed calls between my Father, Christian and Kiara.

"You called Kiara?"

"I guessed you might've went over there to cool off, but she didn't know where you where either. I'd text her before she sends off a search party."

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