~Chapter Thirty One~

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Narrator's POV


After a long few days, Christian was finally discharged from the hospital, and although his constant repeats of how he was fine, and that he didn't need to rest, Robert soon talked him down, expressing not only Rosalie's worry, but his own.

With sour defeat, the following few days were with Christian either stuck in bed, or laid up on the sofa. With nothing to fill his day other than reading newspapers, trying out knew baking recipes, and Damien's consistent company, it was just about to drive him to the brink of insanity.

"Do you know your kid is literally the size of a raspberry right now? I don't know how that is when it's got your genes." Damien emphasised with widening his hands at either side of his head, pissing off Christian even more, to which he launched a toughed up pillow as hard as he possibly could.

"Sorry, I forgot you are still sensitive about that." Damien chuckled at Christian's annoyed face, and kept searching through one of the "New Parent" websites he had found online.

"He's sensitive to most things lately." Rosalie had piped up, walking down the hallway as she put on her black suit coat, hooking her badge onto the front of her trousers.

"Where are you going?" Christian peeked over the side of the couch, walking Rosalie as she slipped on her boots. "Dad called, he has a new case. There's been a call in from downtown, and his partner isn't available for whatever reason. It just an in interview he needs help with."

Rosalie thought it was better not to let Christian know she was going to sideview the interogation on Garrett. She knew he would put up a fight about her safety, so she left that small piece of information out.

She walked over behind the sofa, and leaned fowards to kiss Christian's cheek. "You don't mind keeping him company until I back, would you, Damien?"

Damien smiled widely and laid back comfortably into the single seated sofa. "I suppose I can clear out my busy schedule for today."

Before Christian could send out a snappy remark, Rosalie leaned over and pecked Christian's lips, grabbing her briefcase. "You two play nice. I'll be back in a few hours."

As she closed the door behind her, she couldn't help but laugh to herself as she heard Damien start talking about setting up the Wii console to play the dance game, laughing even more at Christian's protests in reminder of his injuries.

"You do remember I got shot right? Bullet? Bang? How the fuck am I meant to play a dance game?"

"Bust a bullet. Ooh. We could make up a new dance move with that."

After the long string of profanities that left Christian's mouth, she took that as her sign to leave before Christian had any chance to call her back in.

To her luck, the traffic wasn't as long as she was expecting, making it to the Precinct in under ten minutes. Although with expecting to arrive calmly, Claire was first to greet her with a bear hug, and a boat-load of questions.

"Rosalie! How are you? Where's Christian? Is he okay? Are you okay? I heard what happened, it must've been awful. Did- Claire, everything's fine. Christian is back home. I'm only here for a couple hours to help my Dad with his interview. Do you know where he is?"

"Room 4."

She took in a deep breath and took the file that Claire gave her, marching her way into the interview room.

Rosalie kept her cool, for when she first entered the room, she immediately felt his eyes piercing holes into her.

"Please state your full name for the record."

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