~Chapter Thirty Six~

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Narrator's POV


Days, weeks, months flew by, and before Rosalie and Christian knew it, they found themselves in the spare room of their newly bought house, painting the walls with the white-coloured paint, still awaiting the day to come of when they finally found out the gender of their unborn child.

Rosalie sat in the centre of the room on the rocking chair, as her hand softly caressed her seven month bump, flicking through pages a catalogue of baby furniture.

With a red pen, she began circling her desired items everything she knew she would need, used a green pen for the items she had already gathered in. Such as the stroller, bed, a smaller dresser for clothes, storage units, clothing, bottles and diapers.

"Do you think we have everything? I feel like we have so little time with so much still to get." Christian smiled and set down his paint roller, kneeling at the side of Rosalie's chair, as he softly grabbed her hand, resting the other over her bump.

"Even if there's things we don't know we need yet, we still have eight more weeks until our little peach makes their grand entrance." Christian leaned forward, pressing his lips to Rosalie's fabric-covered stomach.

"Do not worry, Amore. If there is anything, you can make a list, and I promise I won't rest until you have everything you desire."

Rosalie smiled with a tear brimming her eye, resting her hand upon Christian's. When he looked up, he noticed the emotion on her face and hurriedly stood up, sitting on the arm of the chair, wrapping his arm around Rosalie's shoulders.

"Hey, hey... why are you crying, Sweetheart? Did I say something wrong? Is it the baby?" Christian was still adjusting to Rosalie's new hormone changes, and still found himself a little confused with the random daily outbursts, but he was all there for it.

"No, no... you are just... perfect." Rosalie sniffled, and leaned into his side, as he leaned down to press a loving kiss on the top of her head. "Talk to me, Amore."

Rosalie let out a sigh and rested her body against Christian's side, his hand began to rub circles over her back, and she closed her eyes in contentment. "I'm just worried.. over thinking, I guess."

Christian nodded in understanding, and squeezed her hand before standing up. He walked across the room to the small speaker sat on the table and connected his phone, playing one of the songs Rosalie had adored so much.

"Christian, I- Shh, just... dance with me. Let your mind rest for all three minutes and thirty eight seconds of this song. Please." With a defeated sigh, Rosalie nodded and sat aside the catalogue, the melody slowly invading her hearing, making her almost instantly relax.

"Woah... my love... my darling... I've hungered for your touch... a long... lonely time."

Christian held out his hand, which Rosalie graciously took and slowly stood up, wrapping her arms around his neck, as his circled around her waist, as their bodies slowly swayed to the melody.

"And time... goes by... so slowly... and time can do so much... are you... still mine?"

Christian rested his head against Rosalie's, humming the melody, their eyes connecting in an intimate stare as his hands danced along her back, drawing her as close as her bump would let him.

"I need your love... I need your love... God speed your love... to me."

As the music played, their lips met as one, and all of Rosalie's worries slowly slipped away from her, the only thing in her mind was the man who stood in front of her, giving her everything she had ever dreamed of... love.

"Oh Lord, you both would make a romance writer sick of romance." A voice spoke up from the doorway, making them both look over to find Robert leant against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, a smile resting on his face.

"Dad.. we didn't hear you come in." Rosalie blushed as Christian momentarily let her go to pause the music, before greeting Robert with a handshake.

"Don't mind me. Just came to check up on my favourite daughter." Robert smiled and embraced Rosalie with a warm hug, kissing the top of her head. "Baring in mind, I am your only daughter. Only child, for that record."

Robert gave Christian a side-eye look, earning a confused look in response but soon, Christian's phone buzzed in his pocket. As he pulled out his phone, a message received eight minutes ago popped up on his screen from Robert

Message From: Robert
Text: Garrett is missing from solitary. I highly suggest you and Rosalie leave town for a while until we find him.

Christian's eyes immediately darted up to Robert's, a worried look casting over his face.

"Hey, you know what I just thought of? Why don't you invite Kiara over? She hasn't been around this week.. I know you two could be doing with your "girl time" as you guys call it."

Hoping Rosalie would take the bait, Rosalie nods and pulls out her phone to text her. "You're right. I'll give her a call." Rosalie gave Christian a smile and quietly excused herself, making her way down the hall to their bedroom.

Christian stood watching out of the door and waited until he could hear Rosalie talking on the phone to Kiara, before closing the door slightly.

"Are you shitting me right now?!" Christian whisper-shouted to Robert, pacing the floor back and forth.

"How the fuck could he have escaped from solitary confindment?!"

Robert sighed and sat down on the rocking chair, laying his head against his palms.

"When the guards were swapping over shifts last night, he somehow managed to get the keys that dropped from one of the gaurds pockets when they were doing their routine check-up on the prisoners.

There should have been two on watch at all times, but a fight had broke out and alerted everyone. Garrett had broken off an old wiring from the cell door and hooked the keys straight off the ground... he escaped around mightnight."

Christian was seconds away from loosing their patience and just before he could do so, Rosalie came back with a cheery bounce in her step.

"Kiara and I- is everything okay?" Rosalie looked between the two men in front of her, the worry on both their faces was too easy not to miss.

"Everything is fine, Amore. Just another investigation about a break-in. Is Kiara picking you up?"

Christian was careful to divert any pressing questions to come from Rosalie. He didn't need her to stress over Garrett being on the loose, and now... the thought of her leaving the house unattented was scaring him to the core.

"Yeah, she should be here any minute now. I'll catch up with you later for dinner." Rosalie smiled and kissed Christian's cheek, and gave a goodbye-hug to Robert before preparing her bag to leave, as Kiara had just pulled up outside.

"Be careful, Amore. If you need anything, just give me a call."

Rosalie smiled and bidded her goodbyes before descending downstairs. Christian watched from the nursery window as Rosalie got into Kiara's car and waited until they drove off before turning back to Robert.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused, as Robert seemed concerningly busy on his phone.

"Activating a tracker on Rosalie's phone and Kiara's. I'll send the tracking link to you. We need to go. Now."

Robert wasted no time in heading out to the car, Christian following hot on his heels to get into Robert's cop car, fledding the streets as fast as they could.

"Where are we going? Do you even know where he is?!"

With a clenched jaw, Robert looked over to Christian before taking a sharp U-turn when he caught sights of Kiara's car turning onto the highway for the shopping mall.

"If you were a seriel killer on the loose, after months of not seeing anything or anyone in six months, where is the first place you would go?"

Christian thought for a moment before it clicked...

"Home to the heart."

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