~Chapter Thirty Nine~

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Narrator's POV

Christian felt his gut churn harshly as he watched the car speed off, holding the one woman he ever loved and his child inside.

"FUCK!" He screamed into the air, only for his voice to echo back, failing to fill the empty hole in his heart.

After a short while, as she felt the harsh rumble of an engine below her, Rosalie whimpered quietly, as she was slowly coming back to her senses, her back ached in pain, as did her head. Her hand reached back, wincing at the pain that appeared to every light touch, the crimson color drawing itself onto her fingers, just like it had below her stomach.

Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness in the van, her eyes widened when she landed on Garrett sitting on the bench in front of her.

"Garrett, w-what- shhh." Garrett smiled sadly, carefully manourving himself onto the van floor, inches across from Rosalie.

"I am so sorry, Rosalie. I fucked up. I had no other choice." He lowered his head guiltily, making Rosalie tear up. "How could you?"

How her voice cracked with the question, broke Garrett's heart, guilt pouring in harder with each passing second. "I didn't mean for it to go this far."

There was a bang on the metal cage, separating Rosalie and Garrett from the front entrance of the van. "Hey! Shut your damn mouths up! Ain't no time for chitchats."

The man shouted in, lighting up what smelled like a cigar, the smoke quick to take over the air in the vehicle, making Rosalie cough up a storm.

"What's going to happen to me?" She whispered over to Garrett, but he had no time to respond as the driver had slammed his foot on the brakes, coming to a halting stop.

Suddenly, the back doors swung open, and an old scruffy looking man appeared with a yellow, toothy grin before grabbing Rosalie's arm to yank her out of the back, making her scream in agony as sharp, stabbing pains sent directly down her stomach.

"Please! Don't hurt me! I'm sorry for what's going on, but I think something's seriously wrong! Please let me go!" Rosalie begged and screamed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

The man looked down at Rosalie's stomach to analyse the situation and squinted in confusion. "What? Are you pregnant or somethin'?"

Rosalie and Garrett both looked up at the man with an 'what the fuck' expression and the man shrugged. "Listen lady, that ain't my problem. Garrett, ain't you gonna deliver payment or not? The boss doesn't like to be kept waiting."

The man stepped to the side and let Garrett hop out, before he turned and helped Rosalie out of the van. As soon as her feet touched the ground, her knees buckled at the contraction that sourced throughout her body.

She screamed and hurled over in pain, and Garrett immediately rushed to her side. "What's happening? Is it the baby?" Garrett asked with worry in his voice, and placed a hand on her back, only for Rosalie to snap and harshly shove Garrett away from her.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!!" She roared, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked up to Garrett in disbelief. "You have no damn right to pretend you fucking care now! You knew I was pregnant, you knew my state and yet, you still put me at risk to pay off some drug debt... After I had already paid off the last one when you decided to binge off cocaine that you knew you couldn't afford?! What kind of pathetic man does that shit?! OW!!"

Rosalie cut herself off as her contractions on seemed to grow stronger, as did her anger.

"Rosalie, I am so sorry." Garrett was careful not to touch her as he knelt beside her, his eyes turning red as salty tears stung them. "I didn't think they would take it this far. I still had time to pay, but it was too much."

His words were empty and hollow to Rosalie, she couldn't ever believe Garrett was truly sorry for what he had done.

"Sooo.. can we get going?" The man that brought them to the warehouse scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not sure what was right to say in that given moment, but him and Garrett knew that time was running out... as the man that Garrett owed so much too, wasn't to be messed with.

Rosalie panted out soft breaths of air and compose herself before standing up. Having nowhere to run to, the only thing she knew she could do was trust that Christian and Robert would figure something out.

Out of nowhere, Rosalie felt a buzz against the side of her chest and her eyes widened momentarily. She had forgotten that's where she had placed her phone before she had left the nursery to investigate the house when the crash first happened.

Knowing she couldn't risk getting caught with the only thing that could potentially save her, she shifted the phone lower in her bra in hopes to muffle the vibration sound and compose herself to continue walking into the warehouse.

"Ahh.. Garrett. I must say, even though you are a shithead at most times, you always manage to follow through. And with... such a beauty this time."

The man traces his dirty finger across Rosalie's cheekbone, making her flinch and coward back, desperately trying to evade his grasp. Thankfully, Garrett jumped to some sort of sense and stood in front of Rosalie, protecting her with his frame away from the man.

"No need for you to have formalities. Where is he?"

The man held up his hands in defence and pointed his arm out to the direction of the warehouse office, nodding for Rosalie and Garrett to follow him through.

Garrett kept close by Rosalie, making sure as they walked, they kept side by side. Rosalie bit her tongue as another striking pain stabbed across her lower abdomen, feeling fluid trickle down her inner thigh... she didn't know how much longer she was able to hold off for.

"Winslet. I see you have finally came to your senses and decided to pay up after all. I'm impressed."

It couldn't be. He was arrested and sentenced to life without parole... how did he get out?

"I hope this will be substantial way of clearing my debts to you, Mister Kristnov."

This was who he owed all that money to? He was supplying drugs to Garrett all this time?

"Well, I must say, this is quite a surprise... Dectective Dawson."

The way he said my name... made my skin crawl.

"And not only have you brought me one," Mano made his way from his desk to stand directly in front of Rosalie, looking down at her swollen bump. "But two ways of payment."

Rosalie looked over to Garrett with pleading eyes, but he stood strong, avoiding her at all costs. She kept a sob down as her eyes fell to her stomach, fear building up, not knowing what was about to happen to her unborn child.

Her vision blurred over with tears, as she felt the blood trickle further down her thigh, and her head became dizzy after feeling a pinch on the side of her arm.

"Shh. Sweet dreams, Rosalie." Was the last thing she heard before everything turned into darkness.

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