~Chapter Six~

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Narrator's POV


"Why doesn't he know about your panics, Rose?"

She didn't know what to tell him.

That her husband hardly gave her the time of day for her to be able to tell Garrett about these problems?

That he hardly shown Rosalie interest within the past year?

She thought it sounded pathetic. It made her feel pathetic.

Instead of giving him a verbal reply, she simply shrugged her shoulders, staring out the window as small pebbles of rain ran down the glass.

She felt neglected. Unwanted by her own husband. The simple thought was enough to fill a pool of tears, threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Hey.. look at me." Christian softly grabbed her chin, turning her head gently towards him, his soft eyes gazing into her red puffy ones.

"I'm a mess, aren't I?" She choked out a chuckle through her sobs, burying her face into her own hands.

"You're not a mess, Amore. You're far from it." He softly smiled, rubbing her back with his hand in soothing circles.

"I don't know the ins and outs of your marriage. And it's in no way my place to try take a step in. But you need to talk to him. Make him listen to you. Your happiness matters to, you know."

His words were sincere.

The sight of this broken woman sat in his car pained his heart.

He hated how it wasn't him who comforted her at night.

He just wanted to wrap his arms around her and never let her go.

Like he should have done all those years ago.

But he was a fool. And he was determined to make his wrongs, right.

They both knew it wasn't Christian's fault.

He had no control over his brother and his downfall over their family company.

He had to set things right to help his Father save their livelihood.

He just hoped Rosalie would understand that.

He looked down to their hands connected and gave hers a soft squeeze, attracting her attention.

"Feel free to decline, but hear me out on this one. Let me treat you to breakfast tomorrow. Completely casual, as friends if you wish. And I can explain everything you want to know."

Rosalie gazed up at Christian's eyes, feeling herself get lost within them once again.

She knew she shouldn't. It would be the wrong choice. Or so she kept telling herself.

Before she was able to speak, Christian proposed a second matter to his suggestion.

"You don't need to give me an answer now. And there is no pressure to say yes. But if you tell me no by tomorrow morning, then we can forget everything within the last 2 weeks, and we'll keep things to just... formal partners, if you wish to do so."

Rosalie thought in her head for a moment and gave a silent nod in response.

"Good. Well then, I shall bid you farewell and good night, Miss Dawson." He grinned, showing his sparkling pearly whites, drawing a smile back from Rosalie.

"Goodnight, Mr Harding." She played with his joke and stepped out of his vehicle, waving a goodbye as she watched him drive off into the distance.

She took in a breath of fresh air before walking up to her door. Rolling her eyes when she saw that all of the lights were still off, she pushed the door open and immediately kicked off her heels, letting the door click shut behind her.

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