~Chapter Seventeen~

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Christian's POV


It had been a total of three days since the first case, and three days since I had seen Rosalie.

My eyes rested on the glass in front of me, the golden brown liquor filling it a quarter full.

My phone buzzed, the name Amore flashing on the screen, for the fifth time within the last hour.

I sigh inwardly and click the side button, darkening the screen before flipping it face down.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I look up to see Dave behind the bar, cleaning out another glass. My eyes drifted around the near empty room, only a few people still remained.

"It's nothing, man." I shrug, taking another sip.

"You know it's the golden rule of coming to your favourite bar. You're supposed to tell your barman your troubles. So out with it."

Dan and I had known each other for many years. In a way, Dan was like the Father that I never had. So it wasn't odd that he was trying to pry me open.

"Just being in over my head about something I have no reason to be."

I didn't. Not anymore. She was right.

It was a mistake. She's married and made it very clear to me that it wasn't what she wanted.

That I wasn't what she wanted.

"Same girl?"

My eyes dart up to Dave, a knowing look rested on his face.

"There's never been any other."

I hated to admit that to myself.

That the same woman who held my heart in the palm of her hands five years ago, was still the same woman who held it now.

No one ever came close to compare.

My phone buzzed again, a text from Rosalie.

Message From: My Amore
Text: Why are you ignoring me?

Truth be told, I wasn't completely sure on the reason why I was ignoring her.

Maybe it was because she was better off without me. Or because she was a married woman and it was wrong of me to act this way.

Could've been that because she wasn't mine, I had to make myself stay away. This woman was going to be my own corruption and I knew it.

I drank my whiskey whole and requested another, asking Dan to leave the bottle.

A few more rounds and I was finally at the stage of seeing 3D vision. The room spinned as I stood up, and I felt my balance waver, making me harshly grip onto the bar for support.

"Alright buddy. Let's get you a seat. I'll call you a cab." With a pat on my back, Dan took the bottle away and hid it back behind the bar.

He had turned his back to me, fiddling with a phone which could only suggest he was calling me a cab home.

"You know... this man, is a gem in disguise. A-always *hiccup* takes care of his favourite customers. A-aint *hiccup* ain't that right, Dan?"

I drunkenly smile, talking to some strange man who sat next to me, holding out my fist for him to bump, which he did.

"I think your ride just got here." Dan gave a pointed look, making my head whip around.

I had to squint my eyes to get a better view, and instantly lit up when I saw my Rose waiting for me.

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