~Chapter Eleven~

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Rosalie's POV


I couldn't concentrate.

My thoughts had been corrupted indefinitely.

I hadn't had much time to spend with Garrett as he had been absent the majority of the week, on a business trip to Seattle.

Which left me with no distraction to what was currently on my plate.

I had screwed up. Fallen back into the same trap it had took me over a year to mentally escape.

It angered me in some ways of how easy it was for him to consume every part of me. Why was it like this?

I didn't want to give him any type of control over me. It wasn't who I was. I was never this type of woman.

But why him?

After almost two hours of trying to complete a work project, my brain was useless. I slammed the head of my laptop down and tossed it carefully to the side on the sofa.

As I stood onto my feet, my phone rang. I tucked it between my cheek and shoulder after I answered the call, making my way to the kitchen to prepare a fairly needed cup of coffee.

"Dawson." I answered, assuming it was someone calling with an update on my firm's project, only to be greeted with a low chuckle.

"I thought you would go by Winslet, Amore. Trying to keep that husand of yours out of the picture?"

Pulling my phone back momentarily to check the caller ID, my eyes couldn't help but roll back in annoyance at the name.

"I use my maiden name for work purposes. What do you want, Christian?" I grumble, awaiting his response so I could quickly end this conversation.

"I had an interesting conversation with your boss this morning." He stated simply.

"And this includes me how?" I kept my answers short. I had better things to do than listen to this smug man all day.

Better things like jumping this smug man's bones.

I curse at my inner thoughts, grabbing my phone securely in my hands.

"Well it seems he has a new investigation in place, which he required my help for."

I stay quiet, hoping he followed up with something else useful, but let out an irritated sigh when he said nothing more.

"Again, this includes me how?" I kept my tone as uninterested as possible, taking a sip of my beverage.

"I only agreed to handle his business, under one condition." He hummed, once again lattering his responses.

"And that condition is..." I draw out, hoping he'd get the hint that I wasn't interested in his stupid lame games.

"That his best Detective accompanies me on this trip." He finally tips the beans, making me clap my hands into the speaker.

"Good for you, Picaso. Now you can finally have your much wished alone time with Miss Jefferson."

If this man caused me to roll my eyes once more, I wouldn't be surprised when they finally get stuck in the back of my head.

"On the downfall, Miss Jefferson wasn't available to join me. Therefore, you're on the job."

As his sentence came out, the coffee I was about to enjoy, came spurting out of my mouth in shock.

"No. Nuh uh." I paused, wiping the spillage of coffee from my lips. "That's not happening. I wasn't assigned to it. I wasn't asked, and I certianly did not, and will not agree."

There is no way in hell I was going. No fucking way I-

"Well tough shit, Amore. You've just now been assigned. I suggest you pack a bag, and quickly. My patience will soon run thin."

The line cut off. I look at the phone, ready to call Christian back when I was alerted to a continously beeping horn outside my house.

I walk to the window and peel open the blinds with one hand, revealing Christian in a pressed grey suit, leaning on his car.

He must've caught sight of me, as he lifted his head and smile, waving to the window.

"Jackass." I mutter under my breath and drink as much as my coffee as I could, rushing upstairs to change into black trousers and a white dress shirt, pairing them with beige heels.

After making sure I had all of my documents that I needed in my briefcase, and prepared a small overnight back, I lock up the house and make my way to Christian's car.

"You asked to be put on the assignment, didn't you?" I ask in an obvious tone, watching as his smug smirk made an appearance once again.

"I didn't ask. I simply offered. Big difference." He held out his arm towards the car after opening the passenger door. I glared as he just smiled in my direction and climbed into the car.

Christian took my bag and placed it in the trunk before making his way to the driver's seat and buckled up before driving off, leading us to the highway streets.

"Tell me, what posessed you to offer your assistance in an investigation that you can give no contribution to?"

He looked my way for a second and raised his brow.

"Jackie gave me a quick insight to what the investigation required, saw that I was a perfect match to take on the job and gave me the all-clear to assist you, Miss Dawson."

"It's Winslet, thank you." I point out in a stubborn tone.

"I thought you said you use your maiden name for business relations?"

I look over to him for a mere second, wishing I could just smack that look off his face.

"Oh come on. It'll be fun!" He chuckled, and switched on the radio, bopping his head to the music that blared through the speakers.

I rubbed my temple, trying to block out his annoying presence, failing as he started singing along to Ironic.

"Isn't it ironic... don't you think? It's like raiiiiin, on your wedding day. It's a free riiiiide, when you've already paid! Whoo!"

Is he serious?

I groan and lower the volume, pulling out my phone as it had started ringing in my pocket.


"Do you really need to respond with your last name every time I call?" Kiara asked as I picked up.

"Sorry Kay, I hadn't realised it was you. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out for lunch? Say an hour?" Shit, I forgot to tell her about the deal with my Father.

"I might be caught up for a few days, Kay. Dad finally got me to agree to his job offer."

Her excitement burst through the phone, making me wince and hold the phone at arms length.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Miss Detective Dawson. Oh that definitely has a kink ring to it." I roll my eyes, unable to not smile at her comment.

"Because I only agreed to it this week, I was getting settled into the office and had a few things to knuckle down before I told anyone." I chuckle at her reaction.

"Well congrats bitch! I hope it all works out for you."

"Thanks Kay. I'm actually on my first roll right now. I'll be out of town for a couple days. Time's a little tight. I'll give you the deets later, yeah?"

She agreed and we ended the call. As much as I loved her, the set of lungs she had were never polite to my eardrums.

"So Detective... are you ready for your first roll?"

Before I could call him out on his wording, I looked up to see the seriousness on his face, his eyes locked on the scene before us.

My eyes flash over to the bright yellow tape surrounding a wildered down house, which lacked support around the broken glass windows.

Well it was time to find out.

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