~Chapter Forty Eight~

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Narrator's POV


"And- and then... oh my goodness, Christian decided to run out into the garden party, just in his little swim diaper, dancing around to the Macarena theme tune! He had everyone up dancing!"

Carol exclaimed making Rosalie laugh, looking at Christian's flushed cheeks.

"Alright I think that's enough of Christian's embarrassing baby stories, thanks Ma." Christian rolled his eyes playfully as he rested Drew laying down in his arms, letting him hold his own bottle to feed.

"I just can't believe this is your life now. And you've done all of it on your own. I'm glad you two found your way back to each other. It's admirable to see."

Carol stared at the couple in awe, a proud feeling washing over her as she watched her son interact with his own.

"I'm one lucky guy." Christian smiled over at Rosalie before peering down at Drew, who slowly became more drowsy by the second.

Carol smiled as a tear built up in her eye, quickly wiping it away so it would go unnoticed.

"Well, it has been great catching up with you both. And it's really meant a lot to me to be able to meet little Drew here." Carol spoke, slowly running her hand over Drew's head as he slept.

"But I think I shall be going. It is rather late, and I don't want to keep you up any longer."

Rosalie coughed and cleared her throat, gaining Christian's attention as she gave him a side eye, nodding towards Carol in a hint.

Christian nodded and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Um.. perhaps.. you would like to stay? It's been a while, and we don't want you to feel like you have to leave. I know Drew will be excited to see you in the morning. He's really warmed up to you already."

Carol paused in thought, a smile soon starting to grow at her Son's offer. "I would like that very much."

Rosalie smiled like a proud Mother and walked away with Drew to his nursery to settle him for the night, whilst Christian took it upon himself to show Carol to the guest bedroom, where she would be staying for the night.

"Thank you again, Christian." Carol whispered as she turned on her heel to face him. "It really does mean the world to me, to be able to have the chance to know my Son again."

Carol wiped a finger under her eye to catch the single slipping tear before smiling a bright toothy grin to Christian.

Christian just smiled and grabbed the door knob. "Get some rest, Ma."

He let out a sigh as he closed the door behind him and walked down the hallway to check up on Drew. Sneaking in quietly, he peered over the crib and smiled as he saw Drew peacefully sleeping, sucking his pacifer as he sprawled his body out, hugging his stuffed giraffe.

Turning off the light, he backed out quietly and closed the door, walking to his bedroom where he found Rosalie laying on the bed on her stomach, reading on of her many romance novels.

"What is it this time? One of those enemies to lovers books?" Christian chuckled as he crawled up over her body, planting kisses along her bare back to her neck, which she gladly invited as she rolled her head to the side.

"Mmm, you know me so well. It reminds me of us in some ways, if I'm being honest." Rosalie giggled and rested the book down on the pages so she wouldn't loose where she was in the story, before rolling onto her back.

"Oh... tell me." Christian whispers, pecking Rosalie's lips once... twice, before making a trail of hot open-mouthed kisses down the curve of her neck.

"W-well.." Rosalie began, stuttering as she felt Christian's fingertips trail up her outer ankle, dancing along the skin upto her inner knee, firmly moving her leg out to the side.

"There's this woman... and this man, who h-have known each other for a while.. but they don't get along.. be...cause.. oh wow." Rosalie gasps, her eyes rolling back in her head in pleasure, as Christian's skilled fingers skim over the outside of her purple laced panties, before quickly disappearing as she lost track of her words.


Rosalie groaned in frustation, as her hips twisted around, trying to regain contact of Christian's hand against her.

"Because he does stupid shit like this."

Christian could almost have laughed at the desperation, he enjoyed seeing Rosalie like this. Vunerable and needy for his touch.

"What? Like this?" Christian raises his eyebrow in question as he slides two fingers under the dampening fabric covering Rosalie's heat, rubbing the pad of his middle finger in slow circles against Rosalie's moistened clit.

Christian looked at Rosalie's face as she nodded quickly, her eyes closing as she focused on the pattern he was drawing with his fingers, rolling her hips ever so slightly to create just the amount of pressure she needed.

An idea went off in Christian's head, and grabbed the book to view the page she had stopped on, only to find a steamy scene ahead. Smirking, he placed the book in her hand and crawled further down the bed.

"Let's play a game." His voice lowered in a sultry tone, as he gripped a firm hand onto one of her thighs to spread her legs wider apart.

"A game?" Rosalie asked breathlessly, as she watched Christian position his shoulders between her legs.

"I will do exactly as the book says in the last two paragraphs, as you read it to me. The catch you may ask? If you can keep from coming until the end of the scene, I won't tease you tonight. I will give you... everything you damn ask for."

Christian stared directly into Rosalie's eyes as he bit down gently on the skin of her thigh, leaving his mark wherever he pleased to do so.

"And if I don't?"

Christian chuckled lowly at the question, his eyes darkening instantly.

"If you fail, I get to torture you. In anyway I please. Very... very... slowly."

He leaned his head down lower, placing an open mouthed kiss onto her soaked clit, sucking the skin ever so gently, chuckling as he felt Rosalie's legs tremble at the contact.

"So Amore.... are you ready to play?"

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