~Chapter Forty One~

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Christian's POV


It had officially been two hours since doctors pushed me out of Rosalie's room, I didn't know who was about to loose it more...

Myself or Robert.

Needless to say, it took not only myself, but an addional two male doctors to pull Robert away from the Secratary desk, otherwise I was pretty sure he would've chanced getting kicked out of the hospital by yanking off what I was almost 100% postivite, a fake blonde wig off the Secratary.

"Is anyone here for a Rosalie Dawson?"

As soon as her first name was called out, I was already on my feet and running towards the doctor. "I'm her partner. Is everything okay? Please tell me she's alright."

The nurse chuckled softly and gave a reassuring smile. "Detective Harding, isn't it? Miss Dawson is in perfect condition. Fainting from birth is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Miss Dawson is just getting brought around to her new room for recovery. She needed a few stitches, so we had to administrate a strong pain relief. She'll most likely be asleep for the next hour or so. But I do understand you have another special someone waiting to meet you."

The nurse waved out her arm in the direction of the children's unit and my breath caught in my throat when my eyes finally set on my son through the glass window.

I have a son.

Before I could even register it, my feet were already guiding me inside the room. My head peered over the small cot bed and my eyes became blurry.

He was perfect.

My hand shakily reached out and carressed the soft dark hair that laid upon his small head, his face scrunched lightly as his body fought to escape the white blanket wrapped around his little frame, and all I wanted to do was pick him up in my arms and never let him go again.

"You can hold him if you want to. Its also good to have a skin-on-skin first greeting. It helps build an instant bond with your baby." The nurse began moving the crib closer to the chair in the corner of the room and I immediately began to panic.

"I- I think I should wait for Rosalie. She should be first to hold him, I don't want her to miss this." I stutter and stratch the back of my neck nervously.

That was part of the truth, the other half was the fact I was two seconds away from shitting my pants. I've never held a baby, nonetheless, one that's just popped out the baking process.

"That is completey your choice, Mister Harding. I understand new parents can find it hard with holding baby for the first time, and that is entirely okay. Although, once you have your baby in your arms, I can truthfully tell you, every nerve you thought you had, will disappear within seconds."

I watched carefully as the nurse unwrapped the blanket and my son came into full view... he was so tiny, so small. That worried me.

"Is it normal for him to be this small? From what I read up on, babies aren't usually that size... are they?" I fidget with my hands as my feet guide me closer.

"Being that your son was born a few weeks earlier than he should, it's normal for him to be this size. But that isn't a concern, with the tests that we ran before you came in, his oxygen, heartrate and blood levels have all came back clear. He is completely healthy."

A breath of relief leaves my lips. After Rosalie's rants about how the labour was too early and all those parenting books on premature births, gave me fear that something horrible was about to come.

"Did both of you decide on a name for this little one?" The nurse asked as she pulled out a card, which was decorated around the sides with blue lining.

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