~Chapter Twenty Four~

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Christian's POV


The quiet ticking of the clock echoes through the darkness, as Rosalie rested under my arm in a deep sleep. I hadn't slept yet, I couldn't.

Seeing Rosalie so hurt, pained me deeply in my chest.

Not only was she made to feel alone by her own damn husband, he couldn't even have the decency to show up for his wife when she needed him.

The anger that settled in my veins was thickening, waiting to unleash hell on that little boy whom he calls himself a 'man'.

What 'man' leaves his wife stranded in her own head, grieving for her Mother still, after all these years.

But it wasn't the first. No, this was a frequent occurrence, much blind to Rosalie's eyes. She was just too pure to see the evil in front of her.

Not to say I'm any angel myself, but I sure well know how to treat a woman with the respect they deserve.

Something wasn't right.

I knew something was off when Rosalie had asked me to take her away from her home.

Why wouldn't the first person, a grieving woman would want, be her husband?

I am missing something here. I had to be.

With that thought in mind, I carefully manoeuvre Rosalie from my arms and rested down onto the pillow, hushing her quietly when she let out a whimper in disturbance.

Seeing as she was settled, I quietly tiptoe out from my bedroom and into my office, keeping both doors jar so I could check on her if needed.

I press the start up button on my laptop and instantly cringe when the unnecessarily loud welcome sound from the system crackled through the speakers.

Logging into the software I needed, I access the system within minutes, pulling up the Police Database information. Even for being just a Detective, being the boss' best friend and all, totally had it's perks.

Entering Garrett's name into the system, I instantly scrunch my nose in disgust when his deranged face and crooked nose pops up on my screen. "What ever Rosalie saw in you, I'll never know pal."

Everything looked clean, and after five minutes I started to give up hope. This man was squeaky clean.

Or so I thought.

After doing a little more digging into his socials, a familiar name popped up on a link that had Garrett's name tagged, along with forty other people.

Lisa Monroe

Clicking on her profile, I search further, almost loosing hope when I come across nothing, except one little picture.

Two hands and a toddler foot.

Now anyone can guess from the first two, it was a woman and a child, possibly a toddler given by the size and whatnot, but how many people do you know that has one slimy tattoo of a goats horn in the curve of their thumb and index finger?

The chances of it being anyone else, were pretty slim on my bet.

My fist clench in anger, slamming against the marble table, awakening Rosalie.


My hand quickly defects the power button and I find myself immediately swarming over to Rosalie. I slip back into bed beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist as her back rests into my chest.

"Shh.. shh go back to sleep, Amore."

Thankfully, Rosalie was to far gone into her dream state, that she had fallen back into her sleeps within the second she was wrapped back in my arms again.

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