~Chapter Sixteen~

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Narrator's POV


After the second suspect was taken into police custody, Rosalie and Christian had emailed the lab, to get an update on the DNA samples that had been put through to Claire for testing.

"Rosalie, Christian, excellent job once again. You two make a great team." The head in charge had greeted then both shaking their hands.

It was very rare to receive a compliment from the Director General, so they took it with great affection.

"Thank you so much, General." Rosalie smiled and shook the General's awaiting hand.

"Yes, thank you, General. We're just happy we could help with the case." Christian jumped in, receiving a handshake before the General parted his way.

Rosalie kept from rolling her eyes at his eagerness to please the General. "I'll see you both back at the Precinct tomorrow."

They parted ways, as the General left to do a follow-up speculation on the case, while Rosalie and Christian went back into their car.

"Care for a ride home?" Christian asked as he walked up behind her, making her jump in surprise.

"I just got to email this file to Michael for the reports and then we can go. I'm beat." Rosalie couldn't help but yawn.

Rosalie took pictures of the Police report for the statement records and forwarded to Michael before placing her briefcase into the rear of the car, then settled into the front seat.

"What time is our return flight tomorrow?" Christian asked with a yawn, driving away from the crime scene and headed back to the motel that they stayed at the previous night.

"Umm.. seven, I think." Rosalie mumbled, showing Christian the details of their flight from her phone.

"I'll get us dinner and then we'll head back to the motel. We should be back for eight at the latest. Gives us enough time to eat, pack and get a full sleep."

He drove them to a nearby diner, and parked up the car. "Burger and fries okay with you?" Rosalie's mouth watered at the mention of a burger, as all she had to eat was one or two small snacks that she was able to grab in between stops of getting to the scene.

"Sounds great, here, I- It's on me, Amore. Sit tight, I'll be back in a few minutes." Rosalie smiled as the car door closed, feeling appreciative at the small gesture.

Twenty minutes later, Christian returned with two meals of burgers, fries and two chocolate milkshakes for them both.

Rosalie didn't hesitate to dive straight into the burger, moaning at the combined flavours.

"Damn, that burger gets more of a reaction from you than I did." Christian laughed, making Rosalie blush and cover her mouth as she chewed and swallowed the food.

"About that, Christian, we- Don't dare say what I think you're about to say, Rose." His laughter quickly died out, his jaw instantly clenched.

Rosalie sighed, and closed her food box after she had ate half, setting it to the side. "It was- It wasn't a mistake, Rosalie. Don't fucking say it was, because you and I both know it was far from it."

Christian pulled the car into park in front of the motel, even with the new found anger he had, still, he left the car and ran over to Rosalie's side, opening the door for her.

He led the way to their motel and let them both inside before locking the door behind him.

The air was thick, you could cut the tension with a knife, it was that broad.

Deiciding it was best to let Christian cool off, Rosalie had picked up a fresh pair of her night clothes and headed to the bathroom to shower and change.

When she came out, Christian did the same, bypassing her with a cold shoulder.

She didn't want to go to sleep and be on bad terms with Christian, so she waited up, sitting criss-cross on the bed.

He came back out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. Rosalie's eyes couldn't help but stare at Christian's chest, watching as the small drips of water fell from his hair and down the centre line of his abs.

Normally, this would've been the time that Christian would've teased Rosalie about catching out her staring, but his mind was too fixated on the current problem between them.

She began to feel uncomfortable at his behaviour, and felt it was best to sleep on the small chair that was faced towards the window.

Trying to find a decent sleeping position, she folded her legs between herself and the arm of the chair, using her jacket as a blanket, already feeling her eyes begin to drop.

"Rose, sleep on the bed. That won't be very comfortable for you."

Rosalie ignored Christian's observation and laid her head akwardly against the edge of the chair. Rolling his eyes at her stubborness, Christian waited it out until Rosalie began to fall into her sleep, before quietly walking over to her, scooping her up into his arms, one tucked under her legs, the other wrapped around her back.

"Christian, I'm fine sleeping on the-"

"I refuse to listen to you for six hours tomorrow, complaining about your neck being sore due to your own stupidity."

"So now I'm stupid?"

"Yes. Yes, you are."

Rosalie couldn't help but smile in amusement.

He laid her down onto the bed and pulled the blanket over her, tucking the soft material under her chin to ensure she would stay warm throughout the night, slipping back into his side of the bed.

The silence between them slowly grew old. Rosalie turned onto her side, facing away from Christian, as he lay on his back, his arm slung over his eyes.

A few moments passed, before he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, Rose." He sighed, looking over at her, just wanting to hold her in his arms again.

"Let's just forget about it." She mumbled, wishing sleep would hurry and overtake her.

"Can you look at me, please?" His voice sounded tired. She didn't want to suspend from sleep any longer, so to have him stop complaining, she rolled over to face him.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, desperately searching for her eyes within the darkness.

"Will you go to sleep now? Because I refuse to listen to you for six hours tomorrow, complaining about how tired you are, due to your own stupidity."

She used his own words against him, unable to refrain from letting the small laugh bubble out from her throat.

"Very mature, Rose. Get your ass to sleep." He smiled at her laugh, moving his arm back down to rest. Their skin made contact, and they both stilled, neither one of them making a move.

"Goodnight, Christian." She whispered, slowly but surely falling back into her dream state.

"Goodnight, Amore." Whispering back, his pinky slowly linked with her own. Fully expecting her to move, he was found surprised when she didn't, finally allowing himself to fall asleep once he heard her breathing deepen.

This was where he wanted to be.

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