~Chapter Forty Six~

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Christian's POV


Waking up after a night of crying sure does make you feel like shit.

As my eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of the sun peeking through the curtains, I look around my surroundings only to find the happiest little face staring straight at me.

"And what are you doing in my bed, huh?" I spoke in a small voice as I stretched my arms over to lift Drew onto my chest. I smile as he just stares at me with wide eyes, drool dripping from his chin and a toothless smile spreading onto his face.

To say we got lucky with our first born was an understatement. He hardly cried, unless he was tired or hungry, except the occsasional mood swing whenever Rosalie and I didn't pay him enough attention.

This little guy got the smarts already. Just yesterday Rosalie and I were sat down on the sofa catching up on one of our tv shows, we managed a total of 8 minutes into the first episode and the next thing we knew, it was a screaming match between Drew and the tv volume.

Rosalie and I panicked, thinking maybe something was wrong with his tummy, as he had been cranky in the morning but the second I had lifted him up from his seat, smiles all round.

And he had the audacity to laugh afterwards. He has definitely got us figured out already.

"He thought it was round two of his screaming match about an hour ago." I look up to find the back of Rosalie's head, and bite my lip to refrain the laugh begging to escape, as I look over the tangled hair nest on her head.

"You should have woken me up, I would've gotten him." I chuckle and sit up against the headboard, curling my knees up so I could lay Drew against my legs.

"I thought you could've used with a little extra sleep." Rosalie spoke in between yawns and rolled over to face us. "I called in at the Precinct this morning, and spoke to my Dad to let them know we would be working from home today. I thought we both could use some time at home."

Another small smile creeps onto my face as I wrap my arm under Rosalie to pull her closer. "Thank you, Amore."

Just as I was about to retrieve my first kiss of the day, a loud squeal and a soft hand pat on my cheek stopped me in my tracks.

"Hey!" I playfully scowl at Drew, making him giggle as he throws himself into Rosalie's arms, watching me as he smooshes the side of his face onto Rosalie's.

"Daddy needs kisses too!" I exclaim, kissing all over Rosalie's cheek dramatically, only resulting Drew screaming in response and clinging onto Rosalie tighter.

"Little Drew here needs them more by the sounds of it." Rosalie chuckles and kisses Drew's head before climbing out of the bed. "Breakfast time." She announces whilst holding Drew to lead down to the kitchen.

Although she didn't get that far before Drew started whining once more, wiggling frantically in her arms whilst holding his arms out in my direction.

"You little traitor!" Rosalie chuckled and retracked back to rest Drew on the bed, to which he crawled back to me and sat himself between my arm and side.

"Told you he was a Daddy's boy." I winked at Rosalie, making her roll her eyes playfully before she disappeared downstairs.

As I lay back down against my pillows, I watch as Drew holds onto my arm, his little chubby fingers pattered along the outlines of my tattoos, his eyes becoming wide with curiosity.

Not to say, I had many tattoos scattered over my body, but ever since Drew was born, I was working on a sleeve to dedicate to my family. I watch as his hand lands on my most favourite one so far.

Rosalie's eye.

She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my life. Although she nearly had a fit once I told her it was for her, she still doesn't know when I had it done.

It was the very same night, we had met for the first time after five years in that club. Her eyes took my breath away along with her beauty, but after seeing them after so long, my heart knew within, it was a sight I wanted to see every day for the rest of my life.

Even whether or not my charms worked.

Being able to live life with someone like Rosalie was heaven's gift.

The tattoo sat below the bend of my arm, only to follow with Drew's feet prints that the Doctor at the hospital kindly gave us shortly after he was born, following with his date of birth in cursive around the right foot, and his name on the left.

"Mama has pretty eyes, doesn't she?" I hum, kissing the top of Drew's head.

Just as Drew and I heard the footsteps reappear and coming closer to the bedroom, my phone buzzed on the nightstand, gaining my confused attention.

Who is texting me at this hour in the morning?

As Rosalie rejoined the bed to feed Drew, I lift up my phone to look at the notification.

Message From: Carol
Text: Apologies for the early text. I hate how we have left things and I want a chance to be able to sort things out with my Son. I know I haven't been the best Mother in the world, but if you let me, I want to make things work. Can we meet today? I completely understand if you are busy. With all the love in the world, Mom X

I let out a sigh at the message and run the palms of my hands over my face.

"Is everything okay?" Rosalie asks, and I just hold up the phone to let her see the message.

"I'm not telling you what you should do, but don't you, for the very least, owe it to yourself to hear her out?"

I take Rosalie's words into consideration, mentally weighing out the pros and cons in my head before allowing myself to re-read over the message for the second time.

"Is it stupid if I say yes?" I asked, as my mind began running a million miles in thoughts of confusion.

"Not at all. And it won't be stupid if you were to say no either. But I think it'll do nothing but good for you to get that closure. You deserve that much, Christian. Don't force yourself if you aren't ready, but I think you're more ready than you realise."

I take a few seconds to think over the decision and before I could even register it, my fingers were already patting over the screen to reply.

Message To: Carol
Text: Where can we meet?

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